Author Topic: The Berg  (Read 42000 times)

Model needs a bit more work on the head, but it looks good. I'll DL it.

Idea get from this.

A polygon AI set.

(Smash Bros. 64, anyone?)

The name Berg reminds me of Zerg, an alien race from the game Starcraft.

It either looks like:
Crumpled paper
A ball of broken glass

Model needs work.

A lot.

Look's like that Zerg that that one guy that stole models made

If this is supposed to be a zergling you fecked up.

It's based of that, but that's not what it actually is.

Amazing animation. Great work!

k brb making Starcraft ZDM

My first thought.

Berg... change the B to a Z and you got ZERG!!!

Continues reading other posts....

Wow, I'm not the only one.
Huh? Huh?
At least the vulture would be useful in other than sc games... I could totally use a grenade shooting hoverbike. =D

Love it, The animations are good, DL.

 :cookieMonster: :cookie:

It either looks like:
Crumpled paper
A ball of broken glass
Lol , OH NO I'm being chased by a paper D: no actualy in game it is easyer to tell what it looks like.