Author Topic: Me + Garage Games = ♥?  (Read 9098 times)


  • Administrator
I've told a bunch of people this already, but just so everyone knows:

Next week I'm moving to Eugene, OR to be an intern at Garage Games.  Assuming I don't make an ass of myself or get in a fist fight with anyone, this should turn into full-time employment.  I think this will be beneficial for both Blockland and Torque as a whole.  I will still own Blockland, so I don't think this qualifies as selling out.

My job will be something along the lines of either working on torque demos, assisting 3rd party developers or working on community features (feel free to lol at that last one).  Or whatever they tell me to do.

I'm still working on Blockland and it's really close to being ready.  My priorities are:
  • Wheeled and flying vehicle
  • Demo version capabilities / Unlocking full version
  • Add-on capability
  • Replace remaining internet textures and sounds
  • E-Commerce solution
In addition there are a host of smaller issues to solve and testing to be done.

Best of luck BadSpot, I hope you enjoy yourself. Flying things?I like that. :-)  This is a great thing for you, hey, maybe someday we will see "BadSpot Games".



When fixing online connecting stuff, do it better then Relic did on Company Of Hero's did, hehe.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 04:53:18 PM by FlyGuy45 »


  • Administrator
To clarify:
Placeable vehicles = yes
Buildable vehicles = no

What problems are there in Company Of Heros?

In CoH, its nearly impossible to play with any modem. And the connection problems occur so often.

Good job Badspot have yourself a cookie. :cookie:

Pretty dang cool;  I hope you get that full-time job.  I think we'd actually start to see lots of good games if good developers like you created and released more games.

And, also, did you happen to add the boat code to the Blockland game code?  I realise boats are possible now, but it's more of a...tricked...boat.  It'd be nice to just have that code in there for ease.

Thanks, and good luck.

I'm still working on Blockland and it's really close to being ready.
AWSEOME! Good luck Badspot :)

Buildable vehicles = no

working on community features

Well, good for you. Hope you have fun at your new job ;D
But, I'm still sad that your games took away my life :(
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 07:43:30 PM by (MoA) Shaun »

My job will be something along the lines of either working on torque demos, assisting 3rd party developers or working on community features (feel free to lol at that last one).  Or whatever they tell me to do.

I loled at that.

EDIT:  Though I admit you have seemed overall more amiable as of late - more responsive as well.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 07:46:41 PM by GreenLantern »

I thought that heart symbol was awesome but Badspot takes the cake.

Assuming I don't make an ass of myself or get in a fist fight with anyone

I bet you do.


I remeber 2 years ago around Feburary looking through my Vanilla Folder (when 002 was cutting edge), specifcally looking through F11, and finding the "deathVehicle" and "skivehicle".

Anyway if anyone steals your stapler shank 'em.

..anyway good luck.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 12:39:43 AM by Ronin »

Good luck Badspot. Say "hi" to my friend Stefan who interns there too. And I'll buy you a pint sometime if you're up for it. :)

"BadSpot Games"
Don't you mean "Bad Games"... joking...

Good luck the hole torque GG thing and all, Follow your Dreams or what you really want to do!
Should be interesting how this turns out...

Also what the hell is Eugene I'll Google it later...