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Author Topic: Problem with starting servers on Blockland  (Read 1776 times)

i port forwarded and i STiLL cant host a server... the ping is still ---.

Can someone help me on that?

Hi, I'm Ethan and I'll be assisting you with your problems today.

We will start by making sure UPnP is enabled in your router page. Refer to your router booklet for information on how to access the router control panel. Once you are there, log into the control panel.

You will need a username and a password, which may be user set (by your father most likely) or they may be the default ones. If they are user set, ask your father for the 'router control panel login'. If they are still default, there is a 99% chance that the username is admin and the password is admin. If they are not, refer again to your router booklet for the default login details.

Once you are there, click on 'Settings' or 'Setup' or similar, then click on 'UPnP settings'. Click 'Enable' (to the fullest setting if more than 2) and then click 'Apply' or 'OK'.

Close your router page and try to host again. If the server works, problem solved. If not, try the method below.

Let's make sure any firewalls you have allow Blockland to accept both incoming and outgoing connections. The method will differ from firewall to firewall, but a general method is outlined below:

Open your firewall/internet security control center.
Click on 'Firewall' if not already selected.
Click on 'Exceptions' or 'Settings'.
Under a 'Programs' tab, there will be a list of programs that are allowed to make in/out connections.
Click 'New' or 'Add'.
Select 'Blockland.exe' as the program, and then fill out any other details. If asked, click 'Allow UPnP'.

Try to host again. If it works, all good. If you are still having trouble, there is another method you can do.

This is a sneaky little trick. Quite often, Windows Firewall still applies it's 'Blocked Programs' list even when it's turned off. Do the following:

Go to the computers control panel.
Click on 'Windows Firewall'.
On the Exceptions tab, click 'Add Port...' and enter the details:

Name: blockland
Port: 28000

Do it again, but this time click UDP, as below:

Name: blockland
Port: 28000

Click 'Add Program...' and then click on 'Blockland'. Click 'OK'.

Hopefully these methods work for you. Please post your results back.