Wii vs Playstation 3


Wii or PS3?

Wii. :D
42 (41.6%)
Playstation 3. :D
28 (27.7%)
I have a life.
14 (13.9%)
I suck so much I like X-Box 360.
17 (16.8%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: Wii vs Playstation 3  (Read 11094 times)

I hate how Sony removed the controller's rumble feature.  >.<
They got sued for it on the PS2.

Just bought Gears of War; when I first started playing it, the graphics didn't suprise me too much, but now it is starting to looking AMAZING. I also played Motorstorm at Target, and it didn't inpress me at all. From far away it looked really good, but when I played it it just looked like a ps2 game. Mabye it was the T.V.s they had (it was a High-Def t.v. though), but the rock formations and the ground just didn't match at all. The only things that suprised me were the animations and the sun effect. I found another reason not to buy a PS3, but I do hope that games look better in the future for the console, then I will consider buying it.

I hate how Sony removed the controller's rumble feature.  >.<
They got sued for it on the PS2.

Why? Did they copy someone?

I'm assuming the N64....I very well could be wrong though....

Maybe it gave someone a seizure.

Immersion Corporation had patents on vibration technology for games, and they sued Sony for violating them.

At first glance I thought you said "parents" not "patents" so I instantly thought "Kids using this as a vibrater? omg."

Eh.. Ronin I have a message for you:

-*-/\/\Ä®©Ø -*- BORAT WAS SO pandaING FUNNY says:
can u post somthing
-*-/\/\Ä®©Ø -*- BORAT WAS SO pandaING FUNNY says:
marco says ronin ur a little panzy for thinking that those comercials make saw 3 look not scary... pusillanimous individual
I'm pretty sure I was joking, I was mearly pointing out that the commercial was creepy. Yep, and I'm man enough to come out and say that. I'm not some girl hiding behind a 15 year old trying to win internet fights randomly.

Anyway come to think of it Saw III sucked.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2006, 11:41:00 PM by Ronin »

Yea, just remember its not comming from me; I recognize sarcasm :cookieMonster:

I know, the kaphix isn't always to blame lol. lol suspicous small writing loel

I was searching MGS and I remebered MGS: Document,I think it is worth getting, it is like a DVD on the making of Metal gear and has lots of bonus material, it has good feedback from owners.

omfg suspicious small writing I hate you now :(

i had a dream i played a wii and it was super monkey ball but i hate that game and the ball moved when my hand moved it was fun like the time of 2205 when the dinosaurs take over chease

I actully like the Ps3 a little bit better sure i spent more money but it was worth it :P. I like Wii is awesome too