Author Topic: Should i buy spore, the computer game?  (Read 8749 times)

I've been waiting about 2 years to get it, but at the time, i was nervous to ask my dad or mom, because i was about 8 and i had no idea what was amazon/ebay/any other shopping websites.
I finally cracked a few day's ago when i found out my friend had it for 2 years, and i din't know, so he tod me all about it. then i looked up videos of it, and it sounds and looks pretty cool. plus now, im 11, over 10, due to the rating of the game (which does not matter, cuz my dad played halo with me when i was 9). I also have a mac, and about 68 dollars, that's more than enough to afford it, and all i now have to do is ask my mom, she will allow it, but when i asked her last night, ( btw, we are moving soon) she told me that it will get lost in the moving to our new place. I totally doubt that. But that sorda scard me a bit. So the BOTTEM LINE IS: Should I buy Spore for the mac?

do not get it
you will have to enter some code, it will say that code is invalid, and you will rage.
get something else

What code, and what the **** is fallout 3?!

What code, and what the **** is fallout 3?!
1. you have to enter some asinine clusterforget code to play the game.
and 2. have you been living under a rock?

What code, and what the **** is fallout 3?!
look it up on youtube

You should buy spore, its an awesome game, i have it and i love playing it

you will have to enter some code, it will say that code is invalid, and you will rage.

Yes...get spore, it's one of the greatest games ever.
Beware though, you may have to take a break from it for about a month because it does get kinda repetitive

Yes...get spore, it's one of the greatest games ever.
Beware though, you may have to take a break from it for about a month because it does get kinda repetitive
it happens
but the game is great though, i hope if there is a spore 2 it wont be made by EA.

it happens
but the game is great though, i hope if there is a spore 2 it wont be made by EA.

There's already a million expansions and mods, but yeah, EA make good games, but not the best

Get fallout 3 and get a double barrel shotgun and raise Hades.

There's already a million expansions and mods, but yeah, EA make good games, but not the best
not because ea isnt a good developer, but because every game has that code thingy.
I'd like someone else to make it so i dont have to enter that stupid code

I am NOT getting fallout 3. For one, my mom won't allow it (because oo much gore and blood nd shooting,plus, im only 11.) For two, i DID NOT ask anything about fallout 1,2, or 3. And yes, i wil probably buy spore today for the mac.

what does repedittive mean?

The same thing over and over again. I wouldn't get spore because you will want to play threw it once, then throw it into the trash. Get Warcraft 3 + its expansion, and you will be happy :3