Author Topic: Virginia Tech Massacre - I miss you, Julia.  (Read 6339 times)

I honestly cannot imagine what it must be like to lose a dear loved one in such an abhorrent way. You have my deepest condolences and may she rest in peace.

pics or it didn't happen
get out

Sorry for your loss Dan.

those damn chinese

didnt some big news corp blame that on video games?
or was that just jack thompson

Don't get mad...GET EVEN!!
   on a different note, don't be mad at gun laws or gun dealerships, because he could have got the weapon from a dude on the street. And second guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Looks like Columbine didn't change much.
People came to my school talking about it and told us all to be nice to everyone, don't bully, make sure your friends fit in.  Idiots, everyone is these days.

He must have been a good aim.

Looks like Columbine didn't change much.
People came to my school talking about it and told us all to be nice to everyone, don't bully, make sure your friends fit in.  Idiots, everyone is these days.

Yeah when a school shooting happens the entire country mourns for a few weeks then get's back at bullying and joking about school shootings.

Yeah when a school shooting happens the entire country mourns for a few weeks then get's back at bullying and joking about school shootings.
I bet if I go shoot up my school right now, and kill everyone there, America would definitely change.  In fact,  a lot countries might change.

Its a good thing i carry knives in my backpack.

Sorry for your loss mr fandan.

damn thats deep. no bodys loved me like that before, and no body every will.

damn thats deep. no bodys loved me like that before, and no body every will.

I bet if I go shoot up my school right now, and kill everyone there, America would definitely change.  In fact,  a lot countries might change.

Nope, nothing will change, after columbine a lot changed with gun laws, Violent video games, and Music such as rammstein because they where rabid fans. Bullying will never stop.

Im sorry for your loss.

But if this happened 3 years ago, why did you just post it?