Author Topic: Virginia Tech Massacre - I miss you, Julia.  (Read 6338 times)

Nope, nothing will change, after columbine a lot changed with gun laws, Violent video games, and Music such as rammstein because they where rabid fans. Bullying will never stop.
I'm not talking about bullying.  Gun laws? We can make them more strict.  Violent video games?  We can ban them. 

Any media source completely over looks school shootings, they blame everything but the students bullying the shooter(s). The problem isn't the music or games, it's the other students, stop the harassment and end things like these before it starts. I've thought about shooting up my school a few times, even planned it but never went through with it. Sad these things had to happen, no one truly deserves to die, but people need to learn that people need help.
It is the music and games too.  You must listen to some pusillanimous individual music, or play pusillanimous individual videogames.

no im not forget face
oh yes you are.
here fandan is crying over a dead friend, and you complain about how your life is soooo bad when you are in perfect health, and still have you parents.
Just shut the forget up, there is always someone who has it worse than you.

Pew pew I got you! Oh jesus...

damn thats deep. no bodys loved me like that before, and no body every will.
I'd feel the same way if I still played Halo.