
Author Topic: [?]  (Read 6915 times)

Announcing the rise of the best cult - er, clan, ever.

Welcome to [?].  That's the name, "[?]". Tag doesn't mean anything, end of story.

Do you wish to be inducted into the elite ranks?! FIRST YOU MUST ENDURE TORTURE BY EVIL SPACE MONKEYS!!

...no, not really.  But you do have to later pass a challenge in the clan server to prove that you're worthy...

We have a no-n00b tolerance policy. Stupid, annoying forgettards need not apply.

Anyone who wants to join should just have a generally good understanding of Blockland.  You'd need to be able to help out newbies when, necessary, and have above-average skill when it comes to building.

Post if you want further information...you'll also want to talk to t3h 4lmighty mast0r, Ryx.  If you want to join, I'd suggest you register on the clan forums..


That is all.

P.S. [?] is a secret clan...if anyone asks about the tag, play dumb and attempt to confuse them as much as possible.

If the secret gets out, you will mysteriously "disappear" and [?] clan will disavow any knowledge of your existence. << Mission Impossible, lawl

That is DEFINITELY all.

* The Unknown get's dragged off by [?] Secureity guards
Theeeyyyy got the booombs!!!!! ALL of there bombs aREREReee Belong to ehM!!!!!!!

This looks like a pretty interesting clan. Nice idea, Good luck.

* Runs after ''The Unknown'' *

I'm coming Unknown!

[?]Member: Hey Wedge.
[?]Wedge: Hi.
[?]Member: When did you join the clan.
[?]Wedge: What clan?
[?]Member: The [?] clan.
[?]Wedge: ???
[?]Member: Why do you have a [?] in your name?
[?]Wedge: What name?
[?]Member: Yours.
[?]Wedge: Yours?
[?]Member: I know when I got mine, when did you get yours?
[?]Wedge: Get what?
[?]Member: The tag.
[?]Wedge: I have no tag.
[?]Member: You have a [?] in your name.
[?]Wedge: No I don't.
[?]Member: Are you sure?
Wedge: Yes.
[?]Member: You just did, you changed it.
[?]Wedge: Changed what?
[?]Member: The tag.
[?]Wedge: I think we have established that I have no tag.
[?]Member: No we haven't.
[?]Wedge: Haven't what?
[?]Member: Your tag.
[?]Wedge: I don't play tag.
[?]Member: No, the tag in your name.
[?]Wedge: I have no tag, what do I look like, a box of cereal on a walmart shopping shelf?
[?]Member: No, a clan tag.
[?]Wedge: What about them?
[?]Member: You have one.
[?]Wedge: No I don't.
[?]Member: Its right in front of your name.
[?]Wedge: No it isn't.
[?]Member: Yes it is.
[?]Wedge: Whats it?
[?]Member: The tag.
[?]Wedge: Wrong, it is the phrase that kills the knights who say Nii!
[?]Member: It is also the tag.
[?]Wedge: I have no tag that says it.
[?]Member: But you have a tag.
[?]Wedge: I don't have a tag that says it because I don't have a tag.
[?]Member: Then what is that thing in front of your name?
[?]Wedge: Wipe your screen, and tell me if it goes away.
[?]Member: Nope, its still there.
[?]Wedge: Don't use a paper towel, go get a real cloth.
[?]Member: Fine
[?]Member: Its still there.
[?]Wedge: You must have some dead pixels.
[?]Member: :iceCream:
[?]Wedge: Yeah. You should be able to return it to the retailer for a new one.
[?]Member: Ok, thanks. Bye.
[?]Wedge: Later.

We have a no-n00b tolerance policy. Stupid, annoying pandatards need not apply.
Thats me not wanted ='(

yay for wedge talking about stuff thats confusing

We have a no-n00b tolerance policy. Stupid, annoying pandatards need not apply.
Thats me not wanted ='(

yay for wedge talking about stuff thats confusing

Meh, you can join if you want...
But you have to pass the challenge.  And you'll also gonna have to go through the paddling ritual to cleanse you of your noobishness.

paddling ritual...? erm i think im needed somewhere else...like japan...!

Are you a forgettard in the game?

Maybe you can join..with no paddling.


The Yukipire should GTFO of my thread.


* tails begins chucking stuff
