Author Topic: Specialty Mining - Shades of Minecraft  (Read 4937 times)

Server's currently up, if you want to forget around with it. There's an ingame help command you can use, but for reference: (claim is missing from ingame help)
  • /repairPick amount - Repair your pick by amount points.
  • /stats - Shows the stat print.
  • /skipNotice - Skips a notice in your centerprint queue.
  • /cancelNotices - Clears your centerprint queue.
  • /claim area [height] - Creates a claim of area units in each direction around your current position, with optional height. If omitted, height deaults to area * 2 to compensate for layering.

Only people with your full trust can dig bricks you've claimed, and you can build on your claimed bricks as well. There's no way to declaim, I haven't implemented that yet, and it costs 5G per unit you claim. You can also use no arguments to find out who has claimed the brick you're standing on.

The server is titled Venister's Specialty Mining, with optional subtitle.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 07:58:28 PM by M »

Should've been logical to look for Specialty Mining in server list, but edited due to I'm a dumb anyway.

Love the mod so far. The only issue I found was that it's really is to "Bot". I got up to like level 18 in ten minutes and now I can mine rock in about three hits.

Love the mod so far. The only issue I found was that it's really is to "Bot". I got up to like level 18 in ten minutes and now I can mine rock in about three hits.
Yeah, I think that the EXP curve needs to be a bit steeper for levels above 5 or so, or I may start on the skills system which will allow different skills to be increased each level. The basis would be Mining, Carving, Prospecting and Gemcutting, which is the speed you dig, the speed you carve, your chance to get an ore chunk, and increased value of gems (respectively).

Mining and Carving are pretty obvious - each level is just one point of damage when mining or carving.
Prospecting, each level is an additional 0.5% chance for an ore chunk.
Gemcutting, each level is an additional 2% value to gems you process. Every other ore chunk is unaffected (Gold & Fool's Gold, Fool's Diamonds, etc), only Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, and Diamonds get this bonus.