Author Topic: Those games where the people die.  (Read 3213 times)

   Mostly I got the idea from the game "Warriors" I haven't played it in a very looooonnnnnggg time. Sucks cuz the gang leader Cleon dies, Fox, and Ajax (A guy who likes to have lovey times a lot)gets arrested by trying to make out with a under cover Police Woman.   (Btw they were a real gang.                    

« Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 10:12:33 AM by Blue_657 »

What is this i dont even

What is this i dont even
You know those games. That most of the people you like die in it.

Might want to explain what the hell you're on about before going into details. To long to read anyways.

FYI. I think he wants people to discuss video games where characters you like die.

Heavy rain if ur not doin it rite.

Louis Cera from Resident Evil 4

He was awesome :c

isaac clarke from dead space.

dad (or James, but the NPC is named Dad) in fallout 3

Mass Effect 2: Jack, Garrus, Tali, Grunt, Jacob, mostly every recruit can die, and I liked all of them except for Samara and Mordin.

Obi-wan kenobi

Roach/Ghost and the spot where you leave one of your followers in ME1 where the first time I was actually sad about game characters dieing.

Although it might of been because of the music and stuff.