
If there was add-ons, would you download?


Author Topic: Gravity Cat's Add-On Dump - Particle_ItemSparkles released!  (Read 2083941 times)

I'm currently busy with other things. I'll probably do some more BL related stuff this week.

Like wut :o?

Most likely his spoooce game.

hey, hey, hey,...

what about AT....tanks?
What about AT... christmas tree launchers?!

Most likely his spoooce game.
Yup. Speic wheeeeee.

rocket propelled Christmas trees for when you want to forget someone's holiday up.

Is it possible to take the .dts of the BTR and slap another model onto it?

I just want something to do with a model cause I can't script.

Is it possible to take the .dts of the BTR and slap another model onto it?

I just want something to do with a model cause I can't script.
It would be I guess. If you can somehow..."Un-convert" it back to a model file, then I would assume you'd be able to edit/model or something.

Alright I was just wondering because I like the way Gravity cats vehicles handle, I was thinking I would make something like a SDK FZ 222 or 234 and have it work in blockland.

Alright I was just wondering because I like the way Gravity cats vehicles handle, I was thinking I would make something like a SDK FZ 222 or 234 and have it work in blockland.
You don't need the model of a vehicle for another one to behave like it. The model has nothing to do with that.

Like i'm asking if I took another model and replaced the current one and set all the nodes and that jazz to the model that replaced it would it work?

Wouldn't it be easier to make the model, then to copy paste the code? 
Or am I tripping?

Like i'm asking if I took another model and replaced the current one and set all the nodes and that jazz to the model that replaced it would it work?
As long as you did it right.


any progress on Dweapons? I really want the new ones, and the Super Hind.


any progress on Dweapons? I really want the new ones, and the Super Hind.
New ones meaning? The realistic kind?

Encountered a bug, if you use a FOV higher or lower than 90° and use the ADS/iron sights or put them away, the FOV will only reset to 90° instead of what it used to be.

Could you post a pic of a SD Sniper Rifle from the raycast weapon pack? This is not a request. Just checking how it would look like. :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 10:57:36 AM by miniiron45 »