Author Topic: the bathroom wall  (Read 6580 times)

I went into a stall covered by drawings of cumming snakees.........there was no other drawing but a creepbear......i had to focus on a creepbear while i shat

It's not so much drawings at my school as it is writing. For instance, "forget ICP" is on one of the stall walls.

I went into a stall covered by drawings of cumming snakees


Here I sit broken hearted
Tried to stuff but only farted
Later on at the dance
I tried to fart, yet stuff my pants.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 12:26:35 AM by skelolego229 »

I was in the bathroom at Kohl's taking a stuff because I had massive swamp ass that day and I saw on the toilet paper dispencer that said.

"I LOVE SOILED PANTIES" and another guy wrote with an arrow pointing to it saying, "ME TOO!"

I have a picture on my phone but it's not coming through my email for some reason :'(

The people at my school can't spell worth a stuff or had their hemerrhoids acting up, beause they can't spell 'too' worth anything. It's always 'to.'
i.e. "i need fone numbers to!1!!1!1!1111aasdfhbsdfv"

-At a local bus stop

Shouldn't boys be drawing vagina's not snakees?

Once on a toilet paper dispenser, the creator of it, Kelly Clarkson or whatever, had their name on their toilet paper dispenser, along with "professional.". So somebody wrote "likes brown town" after the name, and "she's professional at it" using the professional that was already there. I wish I had a pic.

I once wrote "The cake is a lie"

Shouldn't boys be drawing vagina's not snakees?
they dont know what it looks like

I wrote "The Game" in a bathroom stall...
And the point of this topic is...
