
Idea: Space Nazis in ss13, yes or no?


Author Topic: Space Station 13: *gasp*CENTRATION (SS3D)!  (Read 619982 times)

Someone make a new topic pleasseee

Thought about what a new map would possibly be like, here's a rough concept.
As you can see, this is arrivals, it's MUCH bigger here, and is circular, but i still have the current Mars Outpost 42 design in mind [And inspiration from Doughnut 2.0] there is a security checkpoint north of it, and engineering is just south of it, and huge maintenance tunnels going around it.
A reasonable amount of the maintenance tunnels will probably be removed [There might be hallways going left and right, as well as up and down] and i'm keeping it to the original Mars Outpost 42 design, so specific areas may have the same layout but larger.
I'm not saying i'm going to replace the current map, but it gives me something to think about.

I want to help you map out the Research area.

I want to help you map out the Research area.
Research will stay the same, it won't be changed in this idea, but who knows.

I just think that the "Chill area" should be closer to the middle for it to be faster for more people.

Also host
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 04:29:53 PM by nienhaus1 »

He'll host when he's ready.

Well I want to play on mars with space starfish playing

Useless bump for me hosting at: byond://
Also for a skype call add Gregory Lee Nienhaus I have a Half life avatar.

Aphtonites is the arrival entrance in that picture above a space elevator?

Aphtonites is the arrival entrance in that picture above a space elevator?
It's a rocket bay, actually.

Nick what are you doing I thought we were making a new topic.
Jorci's OP is silly anyway.

Nick what are you doing I thought we were making a new topic.
Jorci's OP is silly anyway.
I shall hold the monopoly on SS13 topics.

actually nvermind honhonkhionhk
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 08:33:44 PM by ? »

Seriously, the OP is still stuff.

Where's the quirky, funny, yet functional side of SS13 we all know and love?