
Idea: Space Nazis in ss13, yes or no?


Author Topic: Space Station 13: *gasp*CENTRATION (SS3D)!  (Read 619996 times)

Not satisfying enough for space critic Proogles.

It lacks charm, and still feels like a wall of text not worth reading. I can't even bare to look past the first paragraph and just jumped to realizing you messed up the job categories.
Any opinion you ever have in the future I am going to exclude instantly.

Because we all know and respect high and mighty Jouatt.
What have you done for/on SS13 because frankly I haven't seen you ever in game, and barely in this topic.

Sorry for expecting the best for my favourite 2D Spaceman Game about Poo.

I kinda like this game.
Also I had a seizure in the kitchen and the cook put me in the gibber by accident :<

It needs more sprites of the clown/bill cosby/smiling man and all that, and more poo.

It needs more sprites of the clown/bill cosby/smiling man and all that, and more poo.
I could make you some :P

I'm talking about the OP here.
Oh... Welp that does no make scene

Damnit, type english damn you.

He wants more stuffstains and clown/bill cosby/smiling man sprites.

I kinda like this game.
Also I had a seizure in the kitchen and the cook put me in the gibber by accident :<
"by accident"

Because we all know and respect high and mighty Jouatt.
What have you done for/on SS13 because frankly I haven't seen you ever in game, and barely in this topic.

Sorry for expecting the best for my favourite 2D Spaceman Game about Poo.
Because we all respect the high and mighty Proog.
All I see you do is complain about everyone's OP. Apparently you're the only one who can make
"The ultimate OP" Stop being a hard-ass and talk about the game.

I never demanded any respect, what are you rambling on about?

But yes, I do think I can make a better OP. Being the Shoe Bandito is fun, and I don't get in much trouble for filling backpacks with galoshes, magnetic boots, moon boots and clown shoes.

Best job ever, almost got the Captain and HoS but the clown moved me out of the way both times.

GOD DAMN IT, I HAVE BEEN GRIEFED BY SECURITY FOR NO REASON. I was just standing in line to the hop's desk with a biosuit and bio hood on holding gnome chompinski, then the HoS started SHOOTING AT ME, I got back from crit to green within a few seconds. The captain proceeded to start shooting at me, then I finally loving died. EVEN WORSE, I WAS THE ONLY GENETICIST. I wasn't traitor, I tried to ask them why, nobody wanted to talk.

GOD DAMN IT, I HAVE BEEN GRIEFED BY SECURITY FOR NO REASON. I was just standing in line to the hop's desk with a biosuit and bio hood on holding gnome chompinski, then the HoS started SHOOTING AT ME, I got back from crit to green within a few seconds. The captain proceeded to start shooting at me, then I finally loving died. EVEN WORSE, I WAS THE ONLY GENETICIST. I wasn't traitor, I tried to ask them why, nobody wanted to talk.

Right click > View image for more areas.

A preview of the concept MO42 design, there are expanded (or too much) hallways now, stairs, and other things (the white parts are just ugly areas that aren't even 20% finished)
It's pretty empty, but there are some furnished parts as an example of what the rest might be like.

Oh, and that black, slightly curved area to the east? it's going to be home to the almost-ready Antimatter engine.