
Idea: Space Nazis in ss13, yes or no?


Author Topic: Space Station 13: *gasp*CENTRATION (SS3D)!  (Read 617631 times)

One of these days a group of us should get on mars outpost and play around a bunch

edit: also aphtonites if you check this accept my steam friend request por favor

Also I finally figured out how to build and use mechs :D

poo, poo everywhere

and that's what happens when i'm a chemist

and that's all that happens when i'm a chemist

gibs, gibs everywhere

and that's what happens when i'm in sandbox

and that's all that happens when i'm in sandbox

Popecrunch is destroying chemistry a lot, he says if they act like stuff, they get blown up.

i wasn't acting like stuff, i was merely just cleaning up medbay

in a way

i wasn't acting like stuff, i was merely just cleaning up medbay

in a way
I want to pump people like you full of toxins

wait a minute what server was this on?

I want to pump people like you full of toxins
I want to turn you into a monkey and throw you out the nearest airlock but we cant always get what we want

If you don't yet realize this, I'm kidding

Whenever I play scientist, because I don't want to keep going back and forth looking up chem mixes, chemistry and at least 2 people die in napalm

I don't play scientist anymore.
What I used to do as scientist was figure out how to make a bomb until I finally made one and left to the station to do whatever, or make uncureable and low level owns syndrome for healing and offered to give it to people if they agreed to it

wait a minute what server was this on?
I want to turn you into a monkey and throw you out the nearest airlock but we cant always get what we want

If you don't yet realize this, I'm kidding

No wait, that death is too easy. Pump them full of sleep toxins then lock them in some room.

>Sprays poo in places where it doesn't hurt and slipping on it barely does anything
>forget YOU starfish I WANT YOU DEAD BITCH forgetER TIT CUNT rooster!!!!!!!!

Real men make carpet smoke.
It looks much classier.

No wait, that death is too easy. Pump them full of sleep toxins then lock them in some room.

the sad thing is that did actually happen to me before

cuz like i was in sandbox and i went in a room and i accidently spawned a stuffload of sleep toxin canisters and some douchebag turned them on and then i was trapped in the room :(

Well that was fun, me and another cyborg were going to get married. The chaplain wouldn't marry us so we were going to go to AI upload to get the AI into a shell to marry us. On the way there some admin played marriage music and moved the doors out of our way as they were underpowered. Some traitor(jorici) broke in while we were about to start and probably stuff himself as he saw to cyborgs chilling in there and no power. Then the other cyborg had to go and Self Deleted and we both spontaneously exploded.


hey mofos

im finally being productive, trying to make another space station next to an already made space station

if u want to help and be a bro, go to here and join Four-Twenty Trade Post Mu, being hosted by CaseyTheGreat.

Nvm, I might try something like that later on a more populated server.