Author Topic: Destructicus DX Megawsome  (Read 98358 times)

all u did was use editor and edit everything and put some stuff in it but honestly i dont care about <that i just care that its still AWSOME

First of all, HAI SQUIDEEY and second of all, I didnt know squideey stoned, well, this is more like,..brown acid, cocain, and meth...and also seems lke you wacked your head pretty hard, lol I wanna test this map out though.


Where am I? Who are you? I want my pie! Is that a flying turd! Oh god its happining again!

So...many... hippie frogs!

*pukes all over keyboard*

Seriously, I tried going into third person and I couldn't, it just showed my feet. Do you start out inside of an interior? and wtf I don't wanna move because I am shivering like hell

I am so scared that I wall bang my head on the keyboard.


There do you feel better? Here I'll put it into a large font:

I can't help but read all of the pictures descriptions in a strong bad voice. D:

MY EYES!! *has a seizure*

wft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 worst map evr!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 1

This is possibly the most eye-piercing seizurific map that's surprisingly close to being possible to explore, it's so eye-piercing that your eyes are going to implode into itself and create a black hole that disintegrates your mushy soft human cortex.

It's Chuck Norris' brain from the inside :C

Edit: DL-ed.
What the forget is up and down?

ACM city. Ish.

I always use the HonorMining mod in here C:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 06:40:55 PM by TheArmyGuy »