Author Topic: Hiding Bodyparts/ Mounting modles to Bodyparts  (Read 1723 times)

So does that not mean it's possible for gibbing mods?
As in when a player dies it makes a physical prop of all the nodes?

Of course, it might lag a bit.
See: Blood and Gore.

Is the "Mount Image" how you set the mount point like Placid said? And what should the code look like?

You set the mount point in the image datablock. You set the mount slot when you mount the image. You can mount weapons to all of the slots but they'll all appear in the right hand because their mount point is the right hand.

So I take:
// Specify mount point & offset for 3rd person, and eye offset
   // for first person rendering.
   mountPoint = 0;
   offset = "0 0 0";
   eyeOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0";
   rotation = eulerToMatrix( "0 0 0" );

And make the "0" into...

These are just the slots, you can use the offset / rotation variables to precisely position the object.

$RightHandSlot = 0;
$LeftHandSlot = 1;
$BackSlot = 2;
$RightFootSlot = 3;
$LeftFootSlot = 4;
$HeadSlot = 5;
$VisorSlot = 6;
$HipSlot = 7;