Author Topic: Guy dies and no one cares to help.  (Read 3910 times)

Ordinarily, homeless people just sleep wherever and the best they sometimes do is just rob people. But since this guy actually did something helpful, he deserves more respect.

Ordinarily, homeless people just sleep wherever and the best they sometimes do is just rob people. But since this guy actually did something helpful, he deserves more respect.

as for the guy being ignored on the street, that's the safest thing to do when you see your average crackhead passed out on the curb.

next time you see a person laying on the sidewalk, you just go and see how well off you are checking his pulse. i bet you will get mugged/killed by him.

just as our homeless friend here has just proven, if you play the helpful person, you get burned.
mind your business and your happy, let the trash kill themselves off in stupidity.
You are quite the starfish.

You are quite the starfish.
What, he's an starfish for telling the truth?

I would of at least called 911

Homless people scare me

You cant be Homeless and a Hero. Its not possible

I agree with Bisjac on this.
He was dying. And homeless people aren't useless trash just because that don't have a job or a house and stuff. And even if you're right, and all homeless people are drug adicts, then it's not really their fault, they wouldve been un educated to know the dangers of drugs, and now have become addicted. Besides, you said you smoke some stuff in another topic yourself.
There is a difference between an addict and non addict.  Addicts tend to do ridiculous stuff to get drunk/high and what not, nonaddicts pay for their stuff that they have earned through a steady paying job with no consequences on their lives except being unable to do anything coherently every now and again in the privacy of their homes.

I would not help because I might make things worse I would call 911 if I had a phone.