
Which gun should we make next?

Raider CS-35

Author Topic: Nerf Pack!  (Read 38638 times)

THis pack seems to be getting no where.

THis pack seems to be getting no where.
It seems to be because it is.

THis pack seems to be getting no where.

what about your model you said you would show us?

what about your model you said you would show us?
It still wouldn't get anywhere. Especially with a topic maker who hasn't posted in this topic since May 26th. It's June 17th.

Also I am guessing he hasn't been working on this mod pack while he's not been posting otherwise he would of told us.

important: due a computer crash while updating windows I can't use my computer. My HDD is broken and I'm trying to save my old data. My router also broke (my brother >:( ) so I couldn't tell this earlier. Will probably upload the final script on sunday. Sorry guys.

What I have so far:
Reloading with reload animations
Custom nerf firing sounds
Custom bullet model
A pack of nerf CS6 weapons (CS6 Rifle, CS6 Pistol, CS6 Sniper)

I am working on:
Branded guns: (Longshot, vulcan, raider)

So..... i See i am no longer the one making a nerf pack..... heheehehe....

So..... i See i am no longer the one making a nerf pack..... heheehehe....

... yeah, lock your topic.

I see you're going nowhere fast...
I could script for you again.

why don't we have both teams just make one team on this?

why don't we have both teams just make one team on this?
Because you don't count as a team anymore. You guys don't do anything. Plus RFW2 doesn't even post on this topic anymore.

You count as a team as soon as you do something.

why don't we have both teams just make one team on this?
I use google sketchup,he uses Blender or mlkshape.

I have google sketch-up. And you can export these and import them into Blender.

For RFW2 cause he's too lazy to get the pics.

that's a really good model