
What's Worse?

national socialists

Author Topic: U.S. Army Rangers (USAR) (Soldier Count: 19 users)  (Read 27164 times)

Back again, and show me the loving link to the rules in the Clan Disscussion section? I don't see no stickys with rules on them.

Back again, and show me the loving link to the rules in the Clan Disscussion section? I don't see no stickys with rules on them.
I said FORUM RULES smart one...
Not guidelines...
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 12:28:05 PM by Ev Dowg »

Looks like nobody's commenting on this.

True... But that's what bamping is for: Keeping your topic on the 1st page. :3
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 12:29:55 PM by Ev Dowg »

Clan Update: We are in need of an expert landscaper (Yes Conan, you can too!) for a new TDM.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 12:31:04 PM by Ev Dowg »

Scratch that last post. I've already got a different idea for a clan build now.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 12:31:46 PM by Ev Dowg »

What happened to Warrant and other petty officers?

You all do know I can report you for flaming.
That goes for:
And you, are just plain annoying...So just stop player-hatin' and go complain somewhere else, please.
Apparently no one really cares about that.
Something like 70% of every Disscussion or whatever on this forum has Admiration for the maker or whatever.
OR WANT TO MURDER THE POSTER OF STUPID POSTS, ADDONS , BULIDS and so forth. But since they cant murder anyone through a screen they flame. Get used to it.


What happened to Warrant and other petty officers?
To me, that's all Navy bullstuff.

Apparently no one really cares about that.
Something like 70% of every Disscussion or whatever on this forum has Admiration for the maker or whatever.
OR WANT TO MURDER THE POSTER OF STUPID POSTS, ADDONS , BULIDS and so forth. But since they cant murder anyone through a screen they flame. Get used to it.


I know nobody cares but there is that little Report to Moderator button.