
What are the most common in names you see?

X's in front of names
Random Letters or numbers
Anything related to blockland, Ex: Blockland luver

Author Topic: Post stupid usernames  (Read 54190 times)

Sonic Fan I'm from Halo A Spartan named Master Cheif who'd a cooldude and a coolguy but just cool in general I'm also a hot girl.

Best name yet.

I found a person at Crown's server named iluvzboobies....?

EDIT: ASDF avatar stealer!!! I though you were Eksi :c
Same here. He also stole Sev's avatar a little while back.

Jonseyhasatinysnake end of story

Was that to me?

EDIT: ASDF avatar stealer!!! I though you were Eksi :c
Not towards you, really. Although you have General spelled wrong, so it's even worse. And it's not theft, nor is "stealer" a word.
Same here. He also stole Sev's avatar a little while back.
Not stealing. And Sev actually thanked me for it.

Not towards you, really. Although you have General spelled wrong, so it's even worse.
I spelled it that way on purpose.

Not towards you, really. Although you have General spelled wrong, so it's even worse. And it's not theft, nor is "stealer" a word.Not stealing. And Sev actually thanked me for it.
Well look at your name, Wynd_Fox.
That name you spelt wind wrong, but im not complaining.

Well look at your name, Wynd_Fox.
That name you spelt wind wrong, but im not complaining.
I changed my name, anyway.

I saw one not to long ago that was so stupid it made me jump out a window "killallnoobs" Also badspot i kid i kid :3

I saw one that went something along the lines of 'hi go away from me'


Nuff said

Don't put "poop" in your name, children. It's not healthy.
Stick it in her pooper.

Was that to me?

EDIT: ASDF avatar stealer!!! I though you were Eksi :c