xmas raffle

Author Topic: xmas raffle  (Read 2707 times)

hi i'm going to do an xmas raffle to enter you have to :

donate 1 item other than coprolite or celite
pay 100 gp

you'll get your ticket (parchment) with your name and 5 numbers on and the winner will win all the stuff donated and the money

plz feel free to buy tickets

p.s im g.m.t so i might not be on AoT when you are so just write your name and times your on in g.m.t and ill see if i can get your tickets

Hi I'm going to do an XMas raffle to enter you have to :

Donate 1 item other than coprolite or celite
Pay 100 gp

You'll get your ticket (parchment) with your name and 5 numbers on and the winner will win all the stuff donated and the money

Plz feel free to buy tickets

P.S I'm G.M.T so I might not be on AoT when you are so just write your name and times your on in G.M.T and I'll see if I can get your tickets

Damn, that took a long time.

Good job koden with the Grammer gestapo!

Your AoT main is named smit?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 05:45:59 PM by -=>RR<=-MasterCE »

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE pokes smit with a stick

rofl smit jabs what ever his name is in the head wth a chainsaw rofl

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE jabs smit inbetween the legs with a tazer
say /me  and words after it and it goes
* name[/color ]words[/me]

* TMC kicks smit while he's convulsing on the ground.

* halofreak returns once again

forgot the /me tag

* halofreak returns once again

forgot the /me tag

Can someone tell me what X-mas is?
Because I know its not holiday or any other special thing I know of.

it's a noob version of christmas

* TMC pwns x-mas