Author Topic: JVS safe  (Read 2405 times)

I have been seeing a JVS safe recently but i cant find it anywhere.  Does anyone know where it is?

It's called the vault door.
No not the massive cog door i mean a small safe.

No not the massive cog door i mean a small safe.
show us some picks then

I checked the events to confirm it is JVS.

It's in ZAPT (Zombies Are People Too)

I thought you meant the Safe Door from Plornt's Doors. I really want that add-on... The Shop Door is kool

haha, i just had a dream last night about blockland safes, because of this topic, and there was like 3 of them that opened different ways :o (one was the one with ZAPT, another was a big one that opened in and out from the back, and the other i forgot :D)