Author Topic: [Character WIP]Unnamed Sorceress  (Read 6091 times)

Wait a minute. Are you Spock or Moybus :(

k, I got the legs pretty decent. I'm going to add some ruffles to the skirt so don't bug me about it.

Those proportions are pretty bad, bro.

shut ur face biftch

I've always been bad at that, mind pointing some things out?

edit: As a matter of fact, proportioning is what slows me down the most. if you could give some sort of help on that I'd really love it
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 04:55:31 PM by Moybus »

Fix skirt, yes.  Legs look kind of... deformed.  Cellulite lookin too

Try using a model?  Google pics of women and stuff

Fix skirt, yes.  Legs look kind of... deformed.  Cellulite lookin too

Try using a model?  Google pics of women and stuff

I kindof agree about the legs. might fix them up. what'd be really nice is some sort of posing program, since I end up looking in mirrors for certain stances quite often. though that isn't very gud because i'm not a girl.

It's too flat. In fact, it looks like a paper doll for a five year old girl.

Make her eyes more closed.

It's too flat. In fact, it looks like a paper doll for a five year old girl.

Yeah I know, especially her skin. It's because I've already reached max lumonosity, but I think I'm going to try to fix that.

Make her eyes more closed.
I like them, but I might close them a littlebit

Add a tiara and maybe a cape. Let me draw some proper hands real quick for the hips.

loving MS Paint, anyway, draw hands on hips like that, don't make them just flat, you have to make them grip the waist.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 11:06:34 PM by Orion »

Hey above poster guy.

A. Her arm wouldn't be at that angle,
B. who puts their hands like that on their hips anyways? She'd have wider hips, therefore, her hands shouldn't look like they're being twisted at the wrist and thus in an uncomfortable pose. Who puts their hands on their hips to be uncomfortable? Yeah, nobody. Your hands look flat, unfortunately. They're also a bit.. Fat? Moybus, your arm's too cylindrical and short. Arms have muscles and bones, they aren't some round tube with a bend in it. Study a skeleton or something man. Based on her body compared to her arms, her arms just.. Look fake. Lengthen, increase the bend, and fix your hands brodawg.

Once again, your angle is still boring. If I were you, I'd finish this, then make a new image with a better perspective with the same character.

if i put my hand on my hip, it feels much more comfortable to grip it with my thumb in back and four fingers out front than just laying it flat on my stomach.

Once again, your angle is still boring. If I were you, I'd finish this, then make a new image with a better perspective with the same character.

yes, this was my plan the whole damn time.

this is just a character shot