Author Topic: New Forum Board Requested, "Intellectual Discussion"  (Read 4213 times)

I like this idea. Radial and I were actually discussing this a few weeks ago, but many people would probably turn the topics into spam or flame wars. Some topics survive to be an actual calm intellectual conversation, a lot end with people rage quitting and insulting others.

However, certainly it could be tried, there would just need to be a hand full of users patient enough to deal with those who do spam the thread or start religious/political wars.

I think it should be tried. Think past those drawbacks.


It's pointless. If you want to have an intelligent conversation in a topic, completely ignore the non-serious post. It's that simple.

It's pointless. If you want to have an intelligent conversation in a topic, completely ignore the non-serious post. It's that simple.

We could make that board and do exactly that!

There's spam and stuff posts all over the forums, they are dealt with by the moderation team.

Pretty well off-topic.
Sometimes intelligent conversations are in Off-Topic.

Sometimes intelligent conversations are in Off-Topic.

That is true, but you also get things like "Name 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Wal Mart"

Sometimes intelligent conversations are in Off-Topic.
There wont be if this new board comes along.


You can just ignore topics that look stupid...

Yes, goto page 5 to reply to a good topic then get yelled at for a 1 day bump.

Well, regardless this is really something that should be tried.

I like this idea. Radial and I were actually discussing this a few weeks ago, but many people would probably turn the topics into spam or flame wars. Some topics survive to be an actual calm intellectual conversation, a lot end with people rage quitting and insulting others.
This is true indeed. Too bad I don't have the exact quote of the conversation :/

I would like to see a form of Articles section which would encompass your general idea.

This does sound very much like my idea indeed. Although I must say you have explained it much more clearly then I could have. I'm not sure about having it as a child board, where would we put it?

I would think that it would be placed as a child of Off Topic, or as a board in Blockland Forums. I have re posted my idea here, comments and requests for it to be created would be ideal and thus, appreciated.

Great, if you wouldn't I'll add some contributions from my first post locking. I think I will actually keep this open.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 01:39:50 AM by MrMulch »

I like this idea. It would be good to get away from some of the idiots now and again. For now why don't we make a topic called Intellectual Discussion? Just until we maybe have a board for it?

This won't happen for a number of reasons:

1) You are on a forum filled with children. Children do not engage in "intellectual" discussion.

2) The amount of moderation required to keep the trolls and spammers out would be monumental and personally I wouldn't be willing to waste my time on it.

3) This forum is not 4chan, Facepunch, SomethingAwful, or any other "community" you visit. It is a forum pertaining to the game known as "Blockland" where you are meant to discuss Blockland and not frivilous topics such as religion, politics or the size of your snake.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as there's a generic place to put all your crap that doesn't relate directly to Blockland then I just don't care.