Author Topic: Accused for hacking at school.  (Read 62636 times)

Our school has Bing as default, and somehow forgets it up so that you can't add or replace any new homepages.


Our school has Bing as default, and somehow forgets it up so that you can't add or replace any new homepages.

Same for my school but the page blocker actually blocks Bing. So you go on IE (Cause school is handicapped) and you automatically get that

the game must have hacking files in it

the game must have hacking files in it

gah you don't know what you're talking about

the game must have hacking files in it
Solitare is a default game already installed on all Windows computers. It comes with the operating system.
Plus, it's an .exe meaning it cannot have files in it. An .exe could contain malicious code but my first statement disproves Solitare having an dangerous code whatsoever. Or else Microsoft would have been out of business a looong time ago.

In 4th grade I found out the Principle's password by hacking via command prompt.

Teaches them to have less stuffty securituy.

The WEP key for my school's internet is the Vice Principal's last name... cigarette

In 4th grade I found out the Principle's password by hacking via command prompt.

Teaches them to have less stuffty securituy.

I did a quick Net User thing, where I could see all the users, and I tested a password change on what I assume to be a useless account, which it obviously way, and I could. Then I did something else and saw the password.

It was some random assortment of characters.

I did a quick Net User thing, where I could see all the users, and I tested a password change on what I assume to be a useless account, which it obviously way, and I could. Then I did something else and saw the password.

It was some random assortment of characters.
What's net user
and how do I get to it.

At our school everyone has a 6-digit number as their username and, by default, their last name as their password. So by simply going to file security, I can look up any number and get a name, or vice versa. Now that I have a name and number, I can login to the 90% of people's accounts who don't change their password.

Once my teacher made all the computers scream swear words and he blamed it on us.

Once my teacher made all the computers scream swear words and he blamed it on us.
richard, BITCH, snake, cigaretteOT, <garble>

Something like that?

yea,it was mostly towards the female part of the class.