Author Topic: Accused for hacking at school.  (Read 62847 times)

In fifth grade my friend and I would do false Wikipedia edits so the school would get IP banned from editing. Good times. We also wrote a batch file to repeatedly open and close the CD drive and put it on all the library computers when the librarian wasn't looking. That was fun.

Combine the open and close code with the remote access codes.

omg you maked a notepad file hax

OnTopic: I smell paranoid school.

I haven't really done anything extremly super bad on the computer,but i have randomly searched google before. Such as, Modern Campfare 2,LOLOLOLOLOLOL,and quite a few other things.

And got away with it. :D
« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 10:11:03 PM by kanew2000 »

I haven't really done anything extremly super bad on the computer,but i have randomly searched google before. Such as, Modern Campfare 2,LOLOLOLOLOLOL,etc.

And got away with it. :D
That must of been hard to get away with!

That must of been hard to get away with!
Dude shut up this guy is hardcore, I once heard of a guy who did this and the teacher made him have RESTRICTED LUNCH!!

Dude shut up this guy is hardcore, I once heard of a guy who did this and the teacher made him have RESTRICTED LUNCH!!
7th grade some ons lit a bush on fire and we stood out in the sun for 4 hours because they couldn't get the alarm to work after it.
Thirsty as forget.
  How did you learn of ARC's restricted lunch? :3

2 years ago I was called down to the office for hacking.

What they really got me for was playing a flash game.

What they didn't get me for (and still haven't) accessing the C drives of the schools computers or recording network information, modifying the administrator client program, or completely undermining the block on the command prompt by using "cmd /k" (The "block" is hardly a block at all). Our IT department consists of one guy who looks at the half-broken computer lab, sips his coffee, and says "eh, I'll do it later".

I got suspended at school once for "hacking."
I was playing loving Halo on the computer. Wtf.

They must be anti-halo MW2 fanboys.

I got caught uploading my keylogger onto the school's mainframe.

I got caught uploading my keylogger onto the school's mainframe.

ogm me too, i like paut a keylogger and got bank acoumnts from nebveryoen lole!

like from tottly evryone and den i got tons a games and edm hcked into obama's cpomp lol!

Create spammy .bat file > Put it on someone's student account > Create shortcut > Rename shortcut "Microsoft Word"(or anything they use a lot for projects) > Set icon of shortcut to match the program you are trying to "impersonate" > Put shortcut on desktop(If they already have it on the desktop, replace the program with the "new and improved" version > Hilarity ensues.

ogm me too, i like paut a keylogger and got bank acoumnts from nebveryoen lole!

like from tottly evryone and den i got tons a games and edm hcked into obama's cpomp lol!



nobbs cant unerstand 1137 lagnugeg gtfo plz u cent hack proprely plz

I got detention for hacking the 264 bt admin account with a home made brute force program so that I could play blockland in history class.