Author Topic: New Laws, Taxes and Fines  (Read 12401 times)

Age of Time is changing. It's being governed by the new and improved THC clan.  :cookieMonster:

Citizenship costs 5000gp. It costs a further 2500gp if you continuously evade paying. It also costs 200gp per 10 minutes to use the volcano and swamp.

Penalties Include:
- Clan Rape
- Continuously killed if you leave port town
- Trolled

Pay your taxes and fines to either DarkSilence, Porto or Lub.

People Exempt from the system so far:
- Jetz
- Tarkus
- Herb/Curse
- Porto
- Lub
- DarkSilence

Any questions please ask.

this is the reason i dont play anymore...

So whoop-dee-doo, you act like a government in a stuffty game that was made by somebody who was just testing out his torque skills and has moved on to bigger projects. You must be very proud of yourself. CONGRATULATIONS to the BIG SPECIAL KIDDIES who "own" AoT. Badspot should really fix this game, by which I mean getting rid of the cancer like you, or better yet, shutting down the server. It may give you kids something to do in real life, other than pretending you own a game that nobody plays.

I love you Tingalz <3

So whoop-dee-doo, you act like a government in a stuffty game that was made by somebody who was just testing out his torque skills and has moved on to bigger projects. You must be very proud of yourself. CONGRATULATIONS to the BIG SPECIAL KIDDIES who "own" AoT. Badspot should really fix this game, by which I mean getting rid of the cancer like you, or better yet, shutting down the server. It may give you kids something to do in real life, other than pretending you own a game that nobody plays.

I do not know how to respond to this childish ignorance. We are merely putting people in their place.

We are merely putting people in their place.
So whoop-dee-doo, you act like a government in a stuffty game that was made by somebody who was just testing out his torque skills and has moved on to bigger projects.

I do not know how to respond to this childish ignorance. We are merely putting people in their place.
Did you forget who can put you in your place? Badspot. This isn't a Nation. This isn't real life. You can't "tax, fine, or pass laws" because it is not real life. You have no authority to do anything in the game world. Badspot does. To suggest so is stupid and ignorant.

I do not know how to respond to this childish ignorance. We are merely putting people in their place.
sigh* why do you care? who plays that game anymore? so you are charging money that no one has in that game but you guys and you are acting like green BH saying you govern port town just bigger. quit being a cigarette and drop this government thing and just play the game like it was made to be played, and also tell porto and them that they can suck a big richard

Get on AoT and refuse to pay.

why? why get on a dead game like AoT? with out updates and such the game is dead, no point in playing because there is no point to it at all.

This ought to be interesting