Author Topic: what happened to RED?  (Read 7872 times)

What ever happened to the "<RED>" clan???? I was and I guess still in it, but I see no postings of it.... Please reply.

They um died along time ago.

lol hahahahaha, im guessing you haven't been on awhile.

nope i havent, do you remember me wolf? i was   =)RED(=Tape

I was =(RED)=Packer, Dunno what Happend Whats his Name stoped coming online and I slowly Left... With a Simple Back Space 7 times.

I used to think RED was a spinoff of RvB, or just half the members or something, until I found out it stood for something else (radical something something?)

I thought your name seemed familier and so you're tape. :P

they died, with the rest of the 5 sec clans out there, it was condemed to be bansihed from bl.

UCC has been around since June. I am proud to say that we are a very active clan.

If not organized... I was in UCC for about 5 minutes.  :cookieMonster:

[SS] is just a clan that won't die already.

the SS is an old clan and diserves to be presserved, they fought valighently as the ussr.

the SS is an old clan and diserves to be presserved, they fought valighently as the ussr.

Just because they are old doesn't mean they deserve to be kept around... and fought what LOL?