Author Topic: I got the highest score on Destroy the Web for the Blockland forum.  (Read 718 times)

I'm so happy.  :cookieMonster:

Malware alert for


An add-on for Firefox where you destroy a website for points. There's individual leaderboards for every website.

Destroytheweb just apparently gave me trojans, Looks like it's fake though.

I suggest we ban this guy.

An add-on for Firefox where you destroy a website for points. There's individual leaderboards for every website.


Destroytheweb just apparently gave me trojans, Looks like it's fake though.

I suggest we ban this guy.

I love avast.

It blocked em.

It's fake...

I'm like, This is bullstuff.

Because it wanted to install some bullstuff thing to remove trojans, and I'm like. forget no.

What. I didn't get any trojans. Should I uninstall this?

What. I didn't get any trojans. Should I uninstall this?

herp derp
