Author Topic: How did you discoverd blockland?  (Read 16856 times)

I was looking for ROBLOX on the internet be cause a friend recommended it. I found out I couldn't play it on the old '98 so I wanted to see some videos of what really happened. I stumbled upon a video of v0002 and I then decided to look at the website (v7 time era). Well, I got a new computer the next year and remembered the demo I played. After a while on the new computer, I forgot about it slowly... then I went back to play in v14 and eventually bought a key. Oh god, I had a demo collecting dust all that time.

i was searching "What are games like roblox but for mac" then i saw blockland :D

Well, my World of Warcraft trial expired D:
I decided to search for more MMORPG's and searched for a LEGO one.
Pop went the Blockland. :D

on a list of online games

I stumbled upon a video of v0002 and I then decided to look at the website (v7 time era). Well, I got a new computer the next year and remembered the demo I played. After a while on the new computer, I forgot about it slowly... then I went back to play in v14 and eventually bought a key. Oh god, I had a demo collecting dust all that time.

My story is very similar but in the V10 time era, no far back.

Saw an ad on Newgrounds while looking for music.

Playing Stick Arena about a year ago.
I accidentally scrolled over the add for 3 seconds so it popped up in the middle of my screen.

Played Roblox... Went to Blockland to see what is was all about. Found out it was way better than Roblox. :)

i was just surfing in the internet for Lego runescape Stop - motions. Heh... (only for fun)

I was on youtube, typed amazing Lego house and it came up with this when he said he had made it on blockland I googled it and I'm on!

I was on youtube, typed amazing Lego house and it came up with this when he said he had made it on blockland I googled it and I'm on!
I lol'd when he said he stayed up until 4 making that...

My brother showed it to me back in 2004, he saw it on TV.

I used to play Roblox, but I ended up getting IP banned/account deletions for spamming the forums to hell, deleting a few moderators/admins, elaborating how fail most of their rules can be, etc.

Admin panel screenie is right here.