Author Topic: BLOCKLAND 4 IPOD TOUCH, IPONE, OR IPAD!!!!!!!!  (Read 7209 times)


It would probably be like Everybody Edit's in Newgrounds, but has more blockland-related things.

Interesting idea but I don't think the hardware of one of listed devices is good enough to support Blockland.

hey, the people who made this game are exelent, now how about they make a version for the ipod touch, iphone, ipad, or something that is not a PC, MAC or LABTOP.
         - something that can fit in ur pocket

- Irish Ninja 12
wait what it's already made for mac

It's basically a fact that Iphones can't handle many face draws.  They have a relatively large texture space so their graphics don't look like crap, but considering the quality of how well Blockland runs is based off of how many bricks it can render, it's a pretty bad idea.  Not to mention that controls would be horrible and a mobile platform is about the last place you'd look to for a game which requires a large amount of time to build things.

wait what it's already made for mac

He never said it wasn't


1. A word that inexperienced college freshmen (most often girls) call their new laptops.
2. A common mis-spelling for laptop, generally made by young people.
3. What wannabe thugs and other ghetto people call laptops. Also used by ignorant white people.

No just no but maybe not blockland but an irc thing so you can chat with bl firends that are on blockland.

You can already do that though.

Based on the iphones hardware at the moment....maybe a 2d version? The ipad however, may be possible but I don't think you could have too many bricks......or very good physics....Re-post in like 20-25 years when the hardware is better. :cookieMonster:

EDIT: What's a "IPONE"?
What's a LABTOP ?

What's a LABTOP ?
1. A word that inexperienced college freshmen (most often girls) call their new laptops.
2. A common mis-spelling for laptop, generally made by young people.
3. What wannabe thugs and other ghetto people call laptops. Also used by ignorant white people.

All of those devices clearly could not run Blockland to full scale. Although, I thought it would be interesting to have break-off features though. Possibly something like rendering a .blb file, or something similar.

Just take a screenshot and put it in your photos  :panda:

too big of a file,add ons would never work, and the screen would be too hard to use... how would you use hotkeys, chat, and/ or weapons,or anything else involving a key.. I just realized, would it even be possible to move in anyway,except moving the camera... i just think that even if they could make any type of blockland I phone/touch/pad app, it would be nothing like pc/mc blockland

 :nes: :nes: :nes: :nes: