Author Topic: v15 - It's here  (Read 2936 times)

Just thought I would post this.
Would like changelog soon ;)
Changelog here.

  • Fixed particles disappearing for host whenever someone leaves the game
  • Fixed raycasting on castle walls
  • Fixed invalid packet errors if server is attempting to use a resource which it does not have
  • Fixed "remote control" issue if you are riding a horse when it switches datablocks
  • Fixed wrench events "send" button being blocked if you entered the dialog for the first time from the vehicle or sound brick dialog
  • Added option to disable UPnP
  • Added partial work around fix for the "infinite lag" problem
  • View distance slider now sets maximum distance rather than a multiplier
  • Added option to automatically adjust view distance based on framerate (default = on)
  • getUTF8String function added
  • Default brick respawn time increased to 30 seconds
  • Minor work around for common "ConflictInMappingEntry" uPnP error
  • Raytraced server preview images
  • Protocol registration so you can join via blockland:// links
  • New master/auth server
  • Can reposition raytraced preview center via /setPreviewCenter
  • Massive speed improvement ~400% in some cases
  • "datablock not found" console spam reduced when loading bricks that you don't have
  • Third person camera now goes through non-colliding bricks
  • Added minimum value for "too far" distance (for idiot proofing, some people were setting it to 0 then complaining they couldn't build)
  • "too loud" check disabled
  • You can now build inside water bricks
  • Error backtrace now shows packages
  • You are now automatically kicked from the server if your trust invites are rejected 3 times in one minute
  • "This does not appear to be a lan game" message clarified
  • Fixed player controlled horses shooting their riders
  • Reduced spam to master server if a player joins/leaves a server rapidly
  • armor::damage can now take a client as the %sourceobject
  • RTB is now loaded before other add-ons
  • Maximum ghosts increased to 256k
  • When you are "ghosting" you no longer receive player, vehicle or projectile updates (this should help ghosting times when connecting to busy DMs)
  • Fixed crash caused by game instance connecting to itself
  • Fixed problem where a brick failing to plant due to trust would still occupy undo stack
  • Macintosh: changed default super shift bind from 'LALT' (not working) to 'ROPT'
  • Fixed 64k/30 seconds memory leak
  • Matchmaker no longer pinged in single player mode
  • Tweaked brick side bevel texture alignment
  • Added some new bricks by TheGeek & Ephialtes
Bolded, in my oppinion, important ones.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 01:30:18 PM by zenloth »

Just thought I would post this.
Would like changelog soon ;)
bolt is what i want.

Woah the entire website changed when I refreshed

Woah the entire website changed when I refreshed
HOLY Fuuuu-

Yay, 256k bricks! WOO. MOAR BIG BUILDS :D
Yay for Badspot!

    * Fixed particles disappearing for host whenever someone leaves the game
    * Fixed raycasting on castle walls
    * Fixed invalid packet errors if server is attempting to use a resource which it does not have
    * Fixed "remote control" issue if you are riding a horse when it switches datablocks
    * Fixed wrench events "send" button being blocked if you entered the dialog for the first time from the vehicle or sound brick dialog
    * Added option to disable UPnP
    * Added partial work around fix for the "infinite lag" problem
    * View distance slider now sets maximum distance rather than a multiplier
    * Added option to automatically adjust view distance based on framerate (default = on)
    * getUTF8String function added
    * Default brick respawn time increased to 30 seconds
    * Minor work around for common "ConflictInMappingEntry" uPnP error
    * Raytraced server preview images
    * Protocol registration so you can join via blockland:// links
    * New master/auth server
    * Can reposition raytraced preview center via /setPreviewCenter
    * Massive speed improvement ~400% in some cases
    * "datablock not found" console spam reduced when loading bricks that you don't have
    * Third person camera now goes through non-colliding bricks
    * Added minimum value for "too far" distance (for idiot proofing, some people were setting it to 0 then complaining they couldn't build)
    * "too loud" check disabled
    * You can now build inside water bricks
    * Error backtrace now shows packages
    * You are now automatically kicked from the server if your trust invites are rejected 3 times in one minute
    * "This does not appear to be a lan game" message clarified
    * Fixed player controlled horses shooting their riders
    * Reduced spam to master server if a player joins/leaves a server rapidly
    * armor::damage can now take a client as the %sourceobject
    * RTB is now loaded before other add-ons
    * Maximum ghosts increased to 256k
    * When you are "ghosting" you no longer receive player, vehicle or projectile updates (this should help ghosting times when connecting to busy DMs)
    * Fixed crash caused by game instance connecting to itself
    * Fixed problem where a brick failing to plant due to trust would still occupy undo stack
    * Macintosh: changed default super shift bind from 'LALT' (not working) to 'ROPT'
    * Fixed 64k/30 seconds memory leak
    * Matchmaker no longer pinged in single player mode
    * Tweaked brick side bevel texture alignment
    * Added some new bricks by TheGeek & Ephialtes

Wait, these awesome updates are epic.

You are now automatically kicked from the server if your trust invites are rejected 3 times in one minute. Yay, no noob invite trusters.

You can now build inside water bricks.
How awesome?
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Can't figure out how to use/activate the "preview" thing...