Author Topic: [BAN] - Blockland Alliance Navy: Later, buddy.  (Read 284963 times)

Due to Loopy being permanently banned from the forums for what I understand is the very last time, that is reason enough by itself to remove him from this clan.

Sorry Loopyla, you didn't make the cut.

so in a way he's been



Poor loopy. I might as well do the same with ARES.

I've been busy with school, is the server still up and my ship intact?

It's funny since loopy is reading this , and can't do nothing about it.

Sad for him tough :c

You guys need a Modification section. I want to make fighters for you. :c

I'm considering apping for this, and resurrecting a spaceship that I had quit working on.

It's very WIP, what do you guys think of it so far?

Why thank you.  I believe so too.

I've been busy with school, is the server still up and my ship intact?

The server's been down for the last few days or so, but your build was sill in the server.

That ship looks like it came straight from Sins of a Solar Empire... Nice

Xerces, get on steam ASAP. I need to speak with you immediately.

So i say we should ban everyone in KC