Author Topic: [BAN] Eventing Application  (Read 1739 times)

Eventing Applicaton

So, I thought this clan looked pretty sick, and wanted to join it.

And I threw together an app of events

What it Does

It's some sort of transportation device that I thought of on the spot that only requires two buttons

[Green Button] - On Activate -  Increments the count on itself, When it's One, pressing the [Red Button] will teleport you to One, and when it's Two, it will teleport you to two, and so on.

[Red Button] - Teleports

Enjoy! This took about fifteen minutes to make.

Um. The fifteen minutes part might cost you entry. :U

Um. The fifteen minutes part might cost you entry. :U

You really should spend more time on an application. We aren't looking for simple things like this, we're looking for complex event contraptions. Give us something unique, because teleporters are nothing new.

It's a no from me.

uh..... i could do that on my first day on the GAME.