Author Topic: How to draw robots?  (Read 2175 times)

I like drawing them but i suck at it, so any help? Also sorry if this does not go here i just thought it would...

Squares, squares, and more squares.

Yeah, now anyone have some reel help?

ask pixl to post some of his drawings.

I'll draw one right now.


That's one way. I'll draw another.


no shading on this one :)

lol wut:
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 05:23:43 AM by Nymethus »

There okay but not very helpfull...

There okay but not very helpfull...
You're stupid. (no rage, actually)

You're stupid. (no rage, actually)
I asked how to draw robots, not post some pictures that you drew of robots...


with your other topic i think you just went on google images and said those were yours.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 05:13:10 PM by nickbond1 »

I asked how to draw robots, not post some pictures that you drew of robots...
You can't be taught how to draw robots in one particular way. You have to be able to do your own style with them.
The drawings Nymethus posted are extremely helpful if you truly want to learn. That's one way of drawing certain types of robots. Learn from it.

It's hard to teach a person how to draw something exactly, especially when you have your own style to drawing, and that the person hasn't given a very definite question.
By Robots, you could mean anything.
Small 'cute' robots, large powerful robots, simplified pictures, extremely detailed pictures, etc...

You kind of have to learn on your own, or learn how to adapt to a certain style. Just practice and repeat.

This is a robot.

None of that human looking stuff.