Author Topic: Memories of Blockland.  (Read 5840 times)

I just felt like making this topic to store all those screenshots of when you were new to the game.
I went to the last page of my posts, and i found my immature reply to a screenshot of the first ever server i went to.

Yes, i'm Spacedude, spacedude is still my account name, too, badspot agreed to change it to Aphtonites when i was in a name crCIA [As i didn't want to be mistaken for Space Guy]
Oh, the fun i had back then, i knew almost nothing of the game, and every nook and cranny we flew, i saw something new and awesome.
And i didn't know that chexguy331 was there :o

i lost my screenshots from pre v9 because i'm dumb and didn't look after them.

i lost my screenshots from pre v9 because i'm dumb and didn't look after them.

Same happened to me, except mine are on my old laptop, which I don't use anymore. D:

My old computer took a crap it does not work anymore. Non of my screenies survived.

One of the first builds I made with a friend after buying Blockland.

+5 points if you see what it is supposed to be.

One of the first builds I made with a friend after buying Blockland.

+5 points if you see what it is supposed to be.
That jawa thing where they put the droids in.

A sand-crawler on Tattoine.

EDIT: Dang... Now I want to make a sandcrawler :C

Hooray for Star-Wars knowlage :3
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 10:01:43 AM by Jacob 123456789 »

That's actually a neat picture.

I dont have any pics from V8, but i do remember in the demo making a Pirate ship (which was ok) and a NASA landing craft on a unknown planet
(it was pretty good too).

I have such wonderful memories of Blockland

Screenshot corruption and zombie giraffe DM's were good times.

memories... back in v. 11... I remember when I first went through the tutorial.... omg... it seemed like a long time ago.. then, I bought it for me and my bro... wow, my first server was... urm... ok, one of my first few was Spaceguy's server... lol.

i lost my screenshots from pre v9 because Blockland deleted them.

Don't have any screenes, 1st two servers i went to were generals, and redpickman11's.