Author Topic: I hate ROBLOX. They gave me an unfair ban. D:  (Read 27650 times)

I'm surprised it was only one day. :O

I really wouldn't consider that spam.

Prime example of the stupidity of most roblox users.

I really wouldn't consider that spam.
Thats what I thought while reading it.

I'm suprised the idiots that do massive spam cleans don't get banned.

I said cunt once.
I never got banned.

I hid a secret message in a post.

People, Everyone Now should know Irresponsible people Suck.

i made a alternate acc said every cuss word in my street slang dictionary and did not get banned

A one day ban for that.
A three day ban for mentioning Rick Astley.
Goddamn, ROBLOX.

Actually I would count that second one as spam.
It looks like you copy and pasted it.

I said cunt once.
I never got banned.
They probably don't filter it since there are so many 8 year olds who spell "Can't",  "Cunt".

Ohlol, i said something like that once, in a PM, I never got banned :3

They ban you for thrashing idiots.
