Author Topic: Left 4 Dead Comics  (Read 4024 times)

Dog-gone Defibrillators, how do they work without wires!? D:

Then again, how can you heal a huge hole in your torso from when that Hunter got you? LEFT 4 DEAD MAKES NO SEEEEEEENNNNSSE!!!

Dog-gone Defibrillators, how do they work without wires!? D:

Then again, how can you heal a huge hole in your torso from when that Hunter got you? LEFT 4 DEAD MAKES NO SEEEEEEENNNNSSE!!!

Had a conversation with someone today:
Me: You know what I noticed about L4D?
Him: What?
Me: The "zombies" aren't really zombies.
Him: What makes you say that?
Me: Well, they're victims of a disease, not crawling legions of the undead.
Him: Then what do you suggest we call them?
Me: I'd say mutants, but then the survivors would sound like Space Marines.

make a fight scene with a boomer as a sumo

I like the defib one. Other ones are meh. Not visually, it's just they're not that funny.

I like the defib one. Other ones are meh. Not visually, it's just they're not that funny.

Sorry but I really hate your style of drawing. Just looks too child cartoonish.

Sorry but I really hate your style of drawing. Just looks too child cartoonish.

Its original, i like it.

Sorry but I really hate your style of drawing. Just looks too child cartoonish.

Sorry but I really hate your style of drawing. Just looks too child cartoonish.
In case you've forgotten, I wanna make a cartoon when I grow up, and that's the style I use

You're late. Very, very late. They explained in the first one they weren't zombies but no one paid attention. Every time I hear someone call them zombies I bust a vein.

And Nick would be in Hell lol
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 08:57:46 AM by Dusty12 »

I like your Garfield esque art style.

I swear, you might make it as a syndicated cartoonist someday.