Author Topic: Dumb people getting owned - Israel digging its grave  (Read 10106 times)

rape is wrong and I would never do something so handicapped.

lol you raped her

Chriz, I'm not a stupid starfish, rape is wrong and I would never do something so handicapped.

Okay. I believe you. <33

im not a fan of isreal. if it did forget up somewhere, then finally. one step closer to the US giving the world permission to kick its ass.

More or less the US is the only thing deliberately keeping everyone from kicking its ass. This is not a very good position to be in, since the US is quite literally setting the stage for a war it really can't win. US' support needs to be protested against by its citizens pronto.

Now stop changing the topic so you you can find a reason why not to trust my opinion.

I did not change anything that was written in that report. Hebrew is a stuff language to learn (Trust me, I got a mock exam tomorrow.) and has a lot of out rules, the only way to translate is to use a brain.

The report comes from the same place that's spinning out a stuffstorm of false reports. The report is, at its core, suspicious. Besides international law calls for an investigation by committees outside of Israel. This makes perfect loving sense in the real world, you don't ask a burglar to investigate his own crime. That's handicapped, and you're handicapped in thinking Israel's reports can be trusted in this light.

Also your blockade sucks.
102. The declaration or establishment of a blockade is prohibited if:

(a) it has the sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying it other objects essential for its survival; or
(b) the damage to the civilian population is, or may be expected to be, excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from the blockade.

103. If the civilian population of the blockaded territory is inadequately provided with food and other objects essential for its survival, the blockading party must provide for free passage of such foodstuffs and other essential supplies, subject to:

(a) the right to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under which such passage is permitted; and
(b) the condition that the distribution of such supplies shall be made under the local supervision of a Protecting Power or a humanitarian organization which offers guarantees of impartiality, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 11:44:56 AM by Muffinmix »

As do I, and so far I have known about stuff before my parents with this source. :D

fine muffin, lets agree to stop this discussion until the international investigation is over, then we will see who is right or wrong.

Also your military propositions are batstuff loving insane:

Here's some highlights from the article, but you should definitely read the whole thing.

All this by way of prelude to an examination of the latest, and surely the craziest employment of the rationality-of-irrationality strategy of nuclear deterrence: Chuck Freilich’s thirty-four page study and recommendations for Israeli policy, “The Armageddon Scenario: Israel and the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism.” Freilich’s core argument is that Israel must enhance its deterrence against nuclear terrorism by adopting a policy under which it will initiate nuclear attacks against any state or non-state group that has a “declared nuclear terrorist capability, a stated intention to acquire one, or an advanced suspected one.”


To be sure, there are all sorts of crackpot theories and arguments, particularly concerning the use of nuclear weapons, but most of them are unlikely to actually influence state policies. However, Freilich’s arguments are more ominous, since he is at very heart of the Israeli government-military-academic establishment: a former Deputy National Security Adviser to the Israeli government and an Israeli delegate to the UN, now a Senior Fellow at Harvard’s Belfer Center and a professor of political science at Hebrew and Tel Aviv universities. The “Armageddon Scenario” was published by Bar-Ilan University’s Center for National Security Studies, a rightwing thinktank that is known to be highly influential within the Netanyahu government.


Freilich not only rejects such a course, he argues—and this is also certainly original—that a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would actually increase the threats to Israel: “Peace in the Middle East, although desirable, unfortunately will not provide for true reconciliation….For the radicals who will never accept Israel, a peace agreement will further increase their determination to try and restore ‘Arab rights’ by all means possible….A Palestinian state might create a sanctuary for terrorist organizations, which could use its territory, with or without its knowledge and cooperation, to develop and deploy a nuclear bomb on Israel's borders and near major population centers. …The more Israel is accepted in the region and establishes peaceful relations with Arab states, the more the radicals will be determined to find new ways of achieving their goals.”

To meet this problem, Freilich concludes, Israel must adopt a new and more far reaching deterrence policy: “If the source of a terrorist nuclear attack against Israel is unknown, or if it is known to originate with al-Qaeda or Iran, Israel should make it clear that its response will be unlimited and include not just major population centers, but all sites of value, including those of major symbolic importance…such as Muslim cultural and religious sites.”

But even such draconic threats might not be sufficient, Freilich fears, to dissuade terrorist attacks. Therefore, Israel must go beyond deterrence and adopt a policy of preventive war: “In the event of a declared nuclear terrorist capability, a stated intention to acquire one, or an advanced suspected one, the known or suspected perpetrator and host country should be attacked with overwhelming and if necessary devastating force, in the attempt to prevent the threat’s materialization.”
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 12:05:14 PM by Muffinmix »

Who is this Chuck Freilich guy?, I never heard of him nor did I see anyone or anything referencing him in Israel.

Who is this Chuck Freilich guy?, I never heard of him nor did I see anyone or anything referencing him in Israel.

Tried it, I'm not stupid.

No news websites in Israel that reference him.

Oh look poor Israel tries to plant more shameless propaganda and gets busted. So, they make another attempt.

Who is this Chuck Freilich guy?, I never heard of him nor did I see anyone or anything referencing him in Israel.

Thanks for not informing yourself. It's this guy

If you think ignorance and irrationality is a good defense strategy then you might as well go jump off a bridge. In your defense you could say "I didn't know the bridge was THAT high", as well as "Seemed like a good idea at the time".
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 12:26:42 PM by Muffinmix »

Trust me muffin, there are really stupid people here that we don't listen to, thats one of them.

Trust me muffin, there are really stupid people here that we don't listen to, thats one of them.

Judging by what you've said in this thread, you listen to a lot of stupid people.

Yeah forget this, I'll see you guys in like a month, I have enough stuff to do.

Untie the girls in your basement first.

Also, looks like Israel is playing the victim card again, this time with 'cultural terrorism':
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 12:49:55 PM by Inv3rted »