Author Topic: DarkSilence and his Pocketful of Biloveual Tendencies  (Read 3349 times)

DarkSilence and his Pocketful of Biloveual Tendencies
By DarkSilence

I was simply squatting in my rather small pink canoe when an extremely large Lub decided it would be plausible to indulge in a running sport past my left side. I decided the best idea would be to catch up with this Porto to see what all the reasonable excuses of running past my right was about untill I realised my small NOSE had gone all stiff. After a quick wankie-doodle, I decided to walk through the gigantuous NOSEprints of the SavageCorona to see where they wouldn't end upright. After sidestepping for several milliseconds, I thought it would be a bad idea to stop and catch my breath (with my NOSE), so I did. By this time, anyone could've climbed a mountain with a piano strapped to their back (holding their NOSE). A small mountain. I sighed, it would be no use. The NOSEprints stopped at the Blacksmith wall. I got out my cell and decided to call my friend Badspot for some gossip. After pressing a few buttons I threw it in the blacksmith fire to watch it smither into burnareens. I wasn't frustrated, it just didn't work. I asked the Blacksmith anyway. After a brief NOSE with the Blacksmith, I got all the information I needed. I popped to the ATM and withdrew my Hook, I will need it for my picnic. "why are there no male models?" A passing Prostitute said. I simply replied, "press alt + f4". Instead, the prosititute decided to pull on it's NOSE untill his laptop battery ran dry. I conjured a passing horse and swam to the Beach House. There, I hooked down from it's roof to get a better view. After Ephialtes had finished killing me the minus eleventh time, I saw in the waters the passing GreenBH from earlier. Before I could facefireball it, rudyman came along to give me a hand. I dropped the hand on the floor and proceeded to kill the Ozan that had decided to do an illegal U-Turn and begin to fly towards my left. He won't be passing me again! I fired my ball of NOSE and sticked him to the shoreline ready for me to pounce upon her. I so totally pwnt that bitch. It was only then did I notice a small orc came trundling along. Before I could pull on my NOSE, the Bunny tapped my leg with it's spikey arms and I proceeded to play the death animation and spam the chat with "Bunny killed you brother" messages. Shiiiit. The End.

I've Decided to do Another Chapter
By DarkSilence

"Wha' the hell do you think you're doin' mate?" said the Traveller, knocking on the moonlit door. I decided to decide to open it, but Porto sidestepped infront of me, blocking my way with his fat ass (I wasn't looking...) "Private meeting, noob" Said Porto, to the Noob. The Noob frowned. "You're the noob, you can't make rules around here, this isn't your game, you aren't government, you're not making me male models, you're not making me money, you're not making me NOSE, you're not..." Noob rambles a few milliseconds. Porto placed some lit dynamite into his closed mouth. "Suck on that, noob! Never come back, noob!" Porto whispers kindly and shuts the door slowly and quietly on the noobs foot. He turns suddenley, an evil look on his face. He decides to decide to do an evil laugh then decides against it when Lub opens the door to my left. His small NOSE peers around the corner. "Sorry, was fapping."


We set out on a passing canoe I had conjured and walked to the Forest of Distances. "Wtf glitch, it's called Distant Forest." Said Me. Lub looked infront of him. "The noobs are coming!" I turned the horse slowly and quietly and saw that noobs from all over the age of time world were sidestepping towards us. "Rebellion, noob" Said Porto. We swung our jeep towards the forest. It seems so far away from here, I pondered. I put it into first gear and we ran towards the trees. Once under the shade of the golden leaves we got off the SavageCorona and decided to decide it would be the bestest idea kill all the nooberts. I got out my ball of NOSE spell, Porto got out his deadly fireball and Lub did /cast boob. We were ready!

To never be continued...
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 04:35:55 PM by Hellboy Nat »

AoT needs at least a little attention after v16 comes out. The ability to exploit others and give absolutely no consequences is amazing. It amazed me even more you can get penalties for taking a knife someone threw at you (likely purposefully toward you, and never retrieved by the owner), but there's nothing for money dropped due to necessity.

I'm sure, like everyone else who has mentioned this anywhere, it will be an ignored request. I just want to be one of the many to petition it, even if I get as much notice as the unnoticed others. It's completely unfair how the game is set up.

AoT needs at least a little attention after v16 comes out. The ability to exploit others and give absolutely no consequences is amazing. It amazed me even more you can get penalties for taking a knife someone threw at you (likely purposefully toward you, and never retrieved by the owner), but there's nothing for money dropped due to necessity.

I'm sure, like everyone else who has mentioned this anywhere, it will be an ignored request. I just want to be one of the many to petition it, even if I get as much notice as the unnoticed others. It's completely unfair how the game is set up.

Wrong thread?

Wrong thread?

Nope. :3 We were in the same game, you saw Porto. :o

I'm Sorry, We Don't Take Nooberts
By DarkSilence

Quite some time later...
"all the brother werwe like fotoally after us and wre arwewe like dhit son and lub decided it would be cool to kill all the nooberts before me and i was all like "brothernog" and then he was like youi rtwcist forgetl" I read aloud. No one was listening. The nooberts hate storytime in GaGa land. "This is so random! You're insane!" Shouted fattysnacks. I smiled. "Naptime!" I proposed. After I'd finished putting Ephialtes to bed (he decided it would be funny to bonk me on the head a few times with his police baton and jail me too), I decided to pull on my NOSE before hitting the hay too. After I thoroughly smashed the haybails into bits, I ran to the fabled peron for a THC meeting. "This is ridiculous, noob" Porto said. Lub sat down on the floor swiftly and replied, "We should raise the taxes, the noobs aren't paying us enough."
"Good luck, they already hate us, perhaps we should lower it to 3500 or something.." I asked. Lub stood slowly and withdrew his Baton. After a brief smashing, the door collapsed and Skippy The Jedi Droid walked out. "Sorry I was late. I went swimming and my bra got stuck." Everyone looked at him. "I am confuse." Said Lub. Before anyone could pull on their NOSE, about 3 noobs came sidestepping into the room. Porto sidestepping past me and threw a dynamite at their NOSE. We sidestepped out of the room and towards Starboard. We lol'd because lub falled into the volcano when he tripped up. Just me and Porto now. When we didn't reach starboard, I jumped into the water. When I turned, I saw that 2 of the noobs were holding Porto hostage (although Porto was owning him with his ninjaaaaaa skills). "Rustig brada...." I shouted to him and swam forever.

Reminds me of Ephi's old story, except without a plot.

Reminds me of Ephi's old story, except without a plot.

It is somewhat inspired by the idea. But it has all come from my head.

Wow, you actually gave me a mention in one of your biloveual tendancy stories? I never thought the day would come...

Thanks :D

We mean, seriously, great bump. It's even better than that bump in the Parking Lot that made a car go into the building and killed the Cub Scout troop trying to sell crap to elderly people by the doors.

We mean, seriously, great bump. It's even better than that bump in the Parking Lot that made a car go into the building and killed the Cub Scout troop trying to sell crap to elderly people by the doors.

loving lol'd, you people are hilarious