Author Topic: So, I played half life 2 episode 2..  (Read 2801 times)

Arr me harteys, This be me best mate Alex and we much crush those scurvy combine dogs!

You're doing it wrong, this is what Freeman would say:


You're doing it wrong, this is what Freeman would say:


you know freeman isn't mute. Walk into fire. That isn't his suit making that noise.

You're doing it wrong, this is what Freeman would say:

Unless he gets caught on fire or slams into the ground.

you know freeman isn't mute. Walk into fire. That isn't his suit making that noise.
He doesn't talk, though. :/

He doesn't talk, though. :/

Or does he? :Dramaticchipmunk:

Gordon Freeman has never said anything in the history of the Half-Life series.

Gordon Freeman has never said anything in the history of the Half-Life series.
And if he ever does, there will be a paradox of some kind goin' on.

Gordon Freeman has never said anything in the history of the Half-Life series.

Or will he? :Dramaticchipmunk:

You're doing it wrong, this is what Freeman would say:

Freeman's not a black pirate.

Gordon Freeman has never said anything in the history of the Half-Life series.
Gordon Freeman does talk, it's just that valve made him not talk in the games so that the player feels more like they are there insted of some other guy talking.

A.K.A. "I was so sure about something that I called people dumb for thinking otherwise, but I was proven wrong so now I'm trying to push it off as a joke"

Gordon Freeman does talk, it's just that valve made him not talk


Well one day Gordon made a joke about how he didn't like steam so valve put duct tape on his mouth.

He's saying Gordon doesn't talk because you're playing as him.
Even though he best not talk if we're ever not playing as him. :c


Eli: I'll beat yer ass gordan.
Gordon: No i will win HAAH.

It's funny because that isn't Gordon Freeman.