Author Topic: New Engi Shotgun?  (Read 8534 times)

Engineer is listed under "defense" for a reason. But it's not like Valve has undermined a class before, remember the Demoman update?
Heavy and Demoman can still make decent offensive pushes.

We don't get them at all, but I don't mind because soon someone will make a skin that replaces it with a sign that says 'I wasted my money on a $2000 dollar computer, expecting to play games'
Tell your freind that has a mac, "USE MAH ACCOUNT AND GET MEH SOME TF2 EARBUDS. :D"

Heavy and Demoman can still make decent offensive pushes.

vALVE failed when they make an Offensive class battle a Defensive class.

And then gave the Offensive class something they dont even need

All I can say is it looks like a shotgun version of the direct hit.
Notice the scope?
Anyway, looks awesome. I hope this update comes this week or the next.
Valve week

vALVE failed when they make an Offensive class battle a Defensive class.

And then gave the Offensive class something they dont even need
What are you referring to?

Then what was the thing the soldier didn't need?

I got earbuds hue :3

Heavy and Demoman can still make decent offensive pushes.
Heavy still had his weaknesses on offense, such as the defending snipers or lurking spies, plus their short range. But the demoman, well he is still the 4th and defensive class. But his counterpart, the 0th and offensive class, the demoknight, has no sticky launcher. Sticky was what made him a defense.