Author Topic: Fallout 3: Worth $25?  (Read 1976 times)

After you start your character set your intelligence to 9, and after you leave the vault run to Rivet City(without fighting anything so you don't level up) to get the Intelligence bobble head. So you can get 137 more skill points.

After you start your character set your intelligence to 9, and after you leave the vault run to Rivet City(without fighting anything so you don't level up) to get the Intelligence bobble head. So you can get 137 more skill points.

After that I'm gonna head to point lookout and get the backwater rifle..

And I just got it a week ago, full priced.

God dammit.

Get Oblivion too. It's only 9$ and is insanely fun.
I have Oblivion and Fallout 3  for Xbox 360

I have Oblivion and Fallout 3  for Xbox 360
Why? They are the same as PC you just can't cheat.

I have them for pc to but they can't run on it

ffff 109 kb/s unacceptable.

Well this is a slap in the face, I payed $81 for the non-GOTY edition and then payed even more for MS points for the DLCs.

I payed $81 for the non-GOTY edition
what the christ, man

you must be one dumb mofo to pay $81 for the non-goty version

I have a question. In "Following in his Footsteps - Find GNR" I killed the supemutants before the Brotherhood came, and now they won't come at all.

I have a question. In "Following in his Footsteps - Find GNR" I killed the supemutants before the Brotherhood came, and now they won't come at all.

go to the jefferson memorial or that dude's garage and just skip ahead

fallout 3 is an unstable game.

I have them for pc to but they can't run on it
Misread have for hate :d

what the christ, man

you must be one dumb mofo to pay $81 for the non-goty version

I bought it a year ago and got extended warranty.



I bought it a year ago and got extended warranty.
You're an idiot.