Author Topic: How long has your PC been running?  (Read 2775 times)

According to NetTools, 19 hours 51 minutes. Auto-updating is at fault or else it'd be quite a high number.

18 hours 02 minutes

8 days, 6 hours

Auto-updating is at fault or else it'd be quite a high number.

Spockomputer:~ Spock$ uptime
 2:08  up 7 days,  6:48, 2 users, load averages: 0.28 0.48 1.16
I like to restart once a week atleast, just to keep everything running smoothly.

Had to restart this morning when uninstalling stuff so 6:50:30 if it had not restarted then about 3 to 4 months

My room turns into a furnace when I have my PC on for too long

14 hours.

I never leave it on over night, only for huge downloads.

13:37. I figured you guys wouldn't believe me, so I took a picture :3.

^ Was it too hard to just type the "Up Time" part or can you not find it?

Edited post as your were posting.

Ohhhh, I see.