
What to focus on first?

Polish and mod completion (add special functionality to bugs and stuff that have been needing it)
Finish and release the MAS Magma Exo-suit
Finish the MAS Scarab-Wasp playertypes
Create more ASN (robotic) playertypes
Finish up and release the currently exsistant but unrelased bugs (the Tremormites, the two spiders, BugMod 3, ect)
Work on the remainder of the wasps
Work on new bugs!
Create more MAS weapons/suits/items/ect

Author Topic: The Bug & MAS Mods (Server coming maybe)  (Read 688526 times)

That is fine. Keep in mind that we will also need the jet key for throwing grabbed players (Left clicking while holding a player will take a bite out of them)

Should be workable. It's possible to disable the toggling while holding a player, yes?
Of course. :P

Also, i remember an add-on that disabled player lights when you do some command, maybe that gives me something to keep the light key toggle.

EDIT: Found it, i could make it so that auto-lights get removed on spawn.
Like, you won't have a light.

But then again, do we want the mantis to be completely unable to use lights?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 01:29:00 PM by lordician »

But then again, do we want the mantis to be completely unable to use lights?

No, that would suck.
We might as well switch to using the jet key, since most every cloak-capable playertype that I have planned is intended to use the jet key to enable the cloak, so it would save time in the long run.

No, that would suck.
We might as well switch to using the jet key, since most every cloak-capable playertype that I have planned is intended to use the jet key to enable the cloak, so it would save time in the long run.
Allrighty then.

I figured I'd post some info on some of my plans and things:

Bug Mod 2:  I am planning to release Mod 2 this month. The initial release will include the Praying Mantis, the Earwig, the Dragonfly, and the Ciciada, along with all their features and weapons.

Currently the Cicada needs the most work, and it's still mostly in the concept stages (in terms of gameplay, not art)
I've been trying to come up with ideas for the Cicada that will make it more unique, because currently it's just a useless clone of the firefly.
Here is what I have planned:

-Main attack=Cicada bash: Mostly just a more powerful version of the firefly bash for now. I'm actually really stumped on how to make this more interesting, so ideas are welcome.

-Sub attack=Cicada siren(song?): It works like a machinegun that shoots instantly-exploding bullets. Of course the explosions deal no damage to the user. Enemies in a radius around the Cicada will slowly take damage while the siren is "fired". Using the siren will will drain the energy of the Cicada, so it can't be used indefinitely. I am going to need a sufficient sound for this, so if you happen to have a good sound, please do send. Nevermind, Wikipedia had a sound up for download C:

-The Cicada will be rideable: From the start, we decided that the Cicadas were be tame, and therefore utilized by MAS (Eventually the Firefly will also be on MAS, but heh). My intent behind this is that the Cicada is used as a "playertype gunship" of sorts, where both the Cicada and the human riding on top are actual players. Of course, we will need a system (maybe an RTB pref?) that disallows people from mounting enemy Cicada players.

ANYWAYS, have a to-do list for Mod 2:

-Make grabbing weapon (includes eating the held player. Eating the player will heal the mantis.)
-Create remaining movement animations (side, crouch run, courch back, crouch side)
-Tune the jump animation
-Lower the damage of the slash weapon once the grab has been added
-Create hold and throw animations
-Finalize the cloak system
-Fine tune the jump and flight forces
-Fine tune running speeds
-Create awesomesauce 'sit' animation (FIGHTING STANCE GOOO)

-Make grabbing weapon
-Add the 'gain health on bite enemy' feature to the Earwig bite weapon
-Create hold and throw animations
-Create awesomesauce sit animation

-Fix odd graphics glitch on the wing
-Make grabbing weapon (Yes really. Will include similar eating system as the mantis)
-Increase air movement speeds?

-Remake bits of the model (head, wings)
-Make Cicada Siren weapon
-Allow the Cicada to be mountable
-Make ALLL the animations :c
-Fine tune jump and flight forces
-Fine tune characteristics of the Cicada bash
-um I am forgetting something(s)

-Make all item icons
-Rename add-on to 'Ai_BugMod2.zip' (is currently Gamemode Bugs_Mod2)

The MAS Magma Exo-Suit: The Magma Exo-Suit is set to be the next release of the MAS add-ons (no exact date as of yet).

To-do lissst:

-Setup the jetpack (will give much more upward thrust compared to normal jetting, but will limit side movement while engaged)
-Create melee version of the Plasma Cutter (weapon script, player animations, effects)(I made [very] fancy animations for this, and then realized they would never work well with ANY of the movement animations :(  Expect a simple stab animation for this..)
-Fix the hold animation glitch
-Add the ability to slowly dig trench dirt with the plasma cutter (this is optional, but would be really neat)
-Fine tune some animations (sword attack animation, movement, hammer animation, etc)

Iceus the Ice Wasp:

-Ice Rocket
-Ice ring (will bounce and things)
-Frozen Blast
-Boost ability causing damage
-Advanced melee weapon
-Adjustments to the playertype characteristics
-More awesome

Other boss plans:

-Fires. Fires everywhere.
-Thatsss a nice head you got there mate, tiss a shame sssomething happened to it..
-Indian Jones will hate me.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 06:10:29 PM by ArmyUnit »

As for the grabbing weapon.
That can be one weapon: "Bug Grab".
The different effects and such can be managed by checking the datablock.
This will allow us to have different kind of grabs, while keeping the amount of datablocks as low as possible.
This could be done for the bites of the different kind of bugs as well, pretty sure.

As for the grabbing weapon.
That can be one weapon: "Bug Grab".
The different effects and such can be managed by checking the datablock.
This will allow us to have different kind of grabs, while keeping the amount of datablocks as low as possible.
This could be done for the bites of the different kind of bugs as well, pretty sure.

Awesome! Datablock counts are getting pretty high, so that is good. I still need to reduce the number of effect datablocks, especially. :L

Awesome! Datablock counts are getting pretty high, so that is good. I still need to reduce the number of effect datablocks, especially. :L
We should really look into lowering the amount, indeed.
A generic bug bite and bug grab weapon will be part of it, but we have to be thinking about how else we could lower it without losing too much of effects. :)

Perhaps outright removing the AI support from Zedmod and making them just playertypes would help with Datablocks? It's not like RotCo was the best system for AI bugs, and with the fixed Bot Events we could do more with 'AI' with it that way :S

As for progress on my end, surprise! I'm working on a new TDM, called Chasm. Beyond that, however, I not got much planned beyond two bases split by a chasm and bridges, and it'll be a Siege-based game where MAS must capture places further down, with the bugs harrying them the entire way.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 08:32:09 PM by Trinity Armory »

I suggest we are going to make a server using this, MAS team, having the leader in the Powersuit.
And the bugs having uuuuuh.....
Not sure actually. :X

And the bugs having uuuuuh.....
Not sure actually. :X
One of the queens?

One of the queens?
But the queens are relatively weak.
Especially compared with the powersuit.

The MAS Magma Exo-Suit: The Magma Exo-Suit is set to be the next release of the MAS add-ons (no exact date as of yet).

To-do lissst:

-Setup the jetpack (will give much more upward thrust compared to normal jetting, but will limit side movement while engaged)
-Create melee version of the Plasma Cutter (weapon script, player animations, effects)(I made [very] fancy animations for this, and then realized they would never work well with ANY of the movement animations :(  Expect a simple stab animation for this..)
-Fix the hold animation glitch
-Add the ability to slowly dig trench dirt with the plasma cutter (this is optional, but would be really neat)
-Fine tune some animations (sword attack animation, movement, hammer animation, etc)
Why a special melee version?
Toggle-able by right mouse button or light key maybe?

And the ability to slowly dig is something i was thinking about earlier as well. :P
However the slowly digging part is probably getting a bit more tricky since it rapid fires.
So we can't just dig on-projectile hit. :C

I will be quite busy this week, so i sadly can't work on anything this week.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 04:29:40 PM by lordician »

I suggest we are going to make a server using this, MAS team, having the leader in the Powersuit.
And the bugs having uuuuuh.....
Not sure actually. :X
One of the queens?

It depends on the bug faction:

If all bugs: One of the Super Mutants
If only spiders: Jumping spider or Tarantula as leader
If any of the hives: the Queen

The small hives will obviously have much more of a defensive gameplay. I've been wanting to host a mites vs bugs Trenchdig for quite some time now, and this new Slayer gamemode should make that possible. :)

But the queens are relatively weak.
Especially compared with the powersuit.

EDIT:Why a special melee version?
Toggle-able by right mouse button or light key maybe?

Toggle-able by the light key, yeah. After the first few trenchdig servers, it became apparent that the Exo-Suit needed a melee attack to make it less vulnerable while low on energy. The melee has to be built into the Plasma cutter because of several other planned features (they won't be part of the initial release).

And the ability to slowly dig is something i was thinking about earlier as well. :P
However the slowly digging part is probably getting a bit more tricky since it rapid fires.
So we can't just dig on-projectile hit. :C

Firing a secondary "digging" projectile when the player's energy reaches certain ranges should work. Of course, there should be a delay between when the projectiles are fired, to stop people from abusing the system by 'feathering' the fire button at certain energy levels.

I will be quite busy this week, so i sadly can't work on anything this week.


This week, will we be able to play on the dessert build that you have been working on?

Also, will the server start early, on time, or late?

This week, will we be able to play on the dessert build that you have been working on?

Also, will the server start early, on time, or late?

Unfortunately no. I've been too busy working on the bugs. :S

Sever should be up on time tomorrow. Though I might host it early to make up for last week's servers being so late.

Unfortunately no. I've been too busy working on the bugs. :S

Sever should be up on time tomorrow. Though I might host it early to make up for last week's servers being so late.
It will still be fun playing on the trenchdig or anything else that you are going to use on this week's server.

That's fine with me.