
What to focus on first?

Polish and mod completion (add special functionality to bugs and stuff that have been needing it)
Finish and release the MAS Magma Exo-suit
Finish the MAS Scarab-Wasp playertypes
Create more ASN (robotic) playertypes
Finish up and release the currently exsistant but unrelased bugs (the Tremormites, the two spiders, BugMod 3, ect)
Work on the remainder of the wasps
Work on new bugs!
Create more MAS weapons/suits/items/ect

Author Topic: The Bug & MAS Mods (Server coming maybe)  (Read 660989 times)

Yo dudes I finished my finals and things.
We're in the clear!!!

Progress on the exosuit is going slowly because I'm busy with a few other projects (although work from those projects has been reused for the exosuit to some extent, so it's been speeding things up at the same time).

That said, I should be able to make decent progress on it next week, and if the exosuit is ready in time, I'll host a server next weekend to test it out.

On that note, which build would you like me to use next sever? It will be a trenchdig server as usual, but we've built up a decent amount of maps for that gamemode at this point. I'm thinking it might be fun to go waaay back and use an old build.

Use one that got good feedback

Use one that got good feedback

Mostly I only get feedback on mod balance, not on the build. :L
I usually make changes to the maps mostly based of off my personal experience of playing on the map.

So on that note, Lego, which map did you enjoy the most? :^)

The trench dig with capture points and flags

Not the 3 team one

The trench dig with capture points and flags

Not the 3 team one

Overall I'd say that is also my favorite. Seems to be the favorite of most people.
With that said, there are still aspects of it that I dislike, so maybe I'll make another revised version of it.

Just a little update on things:

Progress on the Exosuit is going much slower than I had hoped, mostly due to me being distracted with other projects all the time. This project really doesn't hold the same appeal for me as it used to, so getting myself to work on it has been a challenge. But I really don't think it would be fair to not finish and release the exo-suit, so I want to get at least that finished and out there.
With all that said, here's a part of something I've been working on:

Still work-in-progress, mind you, but it's getting there.

It's the updated model for the plasma cutter weapon.
With that said, my sciencey theory for how it would function is similar to how a rail gun or gauss rifle functions.
I remember hearing somewhere that real scientists found a way to shape/control plasma to some extent using magnets.
So with that as inspiration, the idea behind the weapon is that magnets along the barrel of the weapon help direct and propel the plasma. So it's a essentially an accurate flame thrower that looks like it's firing a laser or something.

It's going to have the secondary function of digging away the dirt bricks from the trench digging mod.

self destruct alt fire or riot

No that would be impeding on the Boomer Bug's uniqueness 

Just a little update on things:

Progress on the Exosuit is going much slower than I had hoped, mostly due to me being distracted with other projects all the time. This project really doesn't hold the same appeal for me as it used to, so getting myself to work on it has been a challenge. But I really don't think it would be fair to not finish and release the exo-suit, so I want to get at least that finished and out there.
With all that said, here's a part of something I've been working on:


Still work-in-progress, mind you, but it's getting there.
Looking good so far. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed version.

Although I'm a little stuck on bits of it, so I'm not sure when I'll get it completed. Mainly I'm unsure of how to get the side handles looking the way I want. On the bright side, the power core shouldn't be too much work to update, and the barrel is pretty much done.

I meant to ask; whatever happened to your elemental bosses mod topic? Are you gonna finish it? Or is it discontinued?

I meant to ask; whatever happened to your elemental bosses mod topic? Are you gonna finish it? Or is it discontinued?

Well my interest in those mods is kinda dead at the moment, but I would like to continue working on them as some point. I just need to find a way to motivate myself to work on them again.
Only trouble is I already have so much planned for this Summer that I probably won't get to those mods until much later :(
And I guess I got the impression that not many were interested in those mods. The topic died pretty fast and I haven't EVER seen anyone legitimately use them for something. Although I don't get on severs often, so I'm sure I missed some servers that made use of them.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 01:51:57 PM by ArmyUnit »