Author Topic: Post stuff you want, but can't get just yet.  (Read 8925 times)

That's a awful mockup.

A girlfriend
Holy forget I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

But really, me too.

That's a awful mockup.

let me know if you can find a better one

Complete's my 50's attire <3

ohmygodyes i was about to say that.


12.598 million dollars, I did the calculations and thats what i need to get 2 cars, a house, through college, and everything else i want plus about 8 million left over for anything else i need

i wouldn't  mind one of these
an xbox/ps3 would be cool as well but im more then likely getting this instead

i want torule the world!!!

and a remote thAT lets you go back in time.

More time with my girlfriend.

Complete dictatorship of the world.  :cookieMonster:

and a remote thAT lets you go back in time.
So that you can edit your post and put it in the first one so it's not two posts.