Author Topic: Adventure time face request.  (Read 8441 times)

I want a Adventure time finn Face and decal. Make sure the face is the deafult tan color and a white rim around it.
Please package it.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 11:46:05 PM by Agent P. »

I want a Adventure time finn Face and decal. Make sure the face is the deafult tan color and a white rim around it.
Please package it.

Make transparent to make face different colors?

Make transparent to make face different colors?
Yus. Will you make and package? I tryed making my own Decals and packaging but I dunno how to get server.cs on there.

Make it yourself, learn how.

Make it yourself, learn how.
I have PDN and GIMP but BL won't let me use those pictures.
And I don't know how to package and the tutorial didn't work.

You could make the face trans, make your avatar have a tan head and wear a white helmet. Or you coul make it so that the face is tan, but the border around it is trans. Actually, I'll make this. Give me a few minutes...