Author Topic: What did you do before blockland?  (Read 4084 times)

I was bored all the time.

I didn't play computer games when I was seven.

When I was seven, my computer was an eMachines desktop with a CRT monitor, it had a nonexistant graphics card, 200 something MB of RAM, barely a motherboard and a 60gb hard drive.

I went to google images, which was new to me at the time, and waited fifteen minutes for the pages to load and type in "bum" to find funny pictures of a town in china. THAT was how I entertained myself.

Age 10: got a new computer. An MDG thing with slightly better stuffs. Came with Flight Simulator 2004 (w00t). I was looking for flash games on a website when I came across Blockland, downloaded it, hated it.

Age 12: Downloaded Blockland again. Started to love it.

Age 13: Bought Blockland. First player met: Hooga the Pirate

First official friend made: Ace :D


Various flash games, and Powder Game

Badspot stole your mushroom?
Nope, he took my princess so now I have to go save her from him. But she always seems to be in another castle...damn his crafty hiding places! :

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What did you do before blockland?

the mario

douchecigarette mcgee

Joking, Maple Story.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 03:56:41 AM by Cybertails1998 »

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I believe it is safe to say that most members (including me) ITT played Runscaep before BL.